Code of Alabama
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 11-44-11 - Commissioners - Filling of Vacancies Caused by Ineligibility.

Repealed by Act 2016-295, §1(a), effective May 10, 2016.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 11 - Counties and Municipal Corporations.

Title 2 - Provisions Applicable to Municipal Corporations Only.

Chapter 44 - Commission Form of Government.

Article 1 - General Provisions.

Section 11-44-1 - Applicability of Article.

Section 11-44-2 - Petition to Probate Judge for Election as to Organization Under Commission Form of Government; Examination of Petition and Certification Thereof to Mayor.

Section 11-44-3 - Calling of Election by Mayor.

Section 11-44-4 - Subsequent Elections Not to Be Held Within Two Years of Preceding Election.

Section 11-44-5 - Proposition Submitted to Voters; Form and Marking of Ballots.

Section 11-44-6 - Conduct of Election, Canvassing of Vote, and Declaration of Election Result; Adoption and Certification of Provisions of Article.

Section 11-44-7 - Commissioners - Procedure for Election; Terms of Office.

Section 11-44-8 - Commissioners - Designation; Qualification for Office.

Section 11-44-9 - Commissioners - Oath; Bond.

Section 11-44-10 - Commissioners - Entry Into Office, Etc.

Section 11-44-11 - Commissioners - Filling of Vacancies Caused by Ineligibility.

Section 11-44-12 - Commissioners - Filling of Vacancies Caused by Death, Resignation, or Removal.

Section 11-44-13 - Commissioners - Filling of Two Simultaneous Vacancies.

Section 11-44-14 - President of Board of Commissioners - Election; Powers and Duties Generally.

Section 11-44-15 - President of Board of Commissioners - Designation as Mayor.

Section 11-44-16 - President of Board of Commissioners - Performance of Duties and Responsibilities of Mayor in Certain Municipalities.

Section 11-44-17 - President of Board of Commissioners - Performance of Duties and Responsibilities of Mayor in Certain Municipalities - Duties as President of Board of Commissioners and as Mayor.

Section 11-44-18 - Compensation of Commissioners and President of Board of Commissioners.

Section 11-44-18.1 - Salaries and Expenses of Mayor and Associate Commissioners in Class 5 Municipalities; Payment of Funds Out of Treasury by Warrant; Designation of Commissioner to Act in Mayor's Absence; Disbursements Shall Be Authorized by Resolu...

Section 11-44-19 - Meetings of Board of Commissioners - Time, Etc.

Section 11-44-20 - Meetings of Board of Commissioners - Presiding Officer; Quorum.

Section 11-44-21 - Meetings of Board of Commissioners - When Open to Public.

Section 11-44-22 - Meetings of Board of Commissioners - Record of Proceedings.

Section 11-44-23 - Powers and Authority of Board of Commissioners Upon Organization of Commission Form of Government; Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, and Officers; Continuation of Corporate Existence, etc., of Municipality.

Section 11-44-24 - Continuation in Force of Laws, Bylaws, Ordinances, and Resolutions.

Section 11-44-25 - Continuation of Territorial Limits; Discontinuance of Wards and Election of Commissioners at Large.

Section 11-44-26 - Continuation, etc., of Rights, Powers, Liabilities, Etc.

Section 11-44-27 - Continuation in Office of Officials and Employees.

Section 11-44-28 - Selection, Compensation, Removal, etc., of Officers and Employees Generally.

Section 11-44-29 - Distribution of Executive and Administrative Powers and Duties Among Departments; Determination and Exercise of Powers and Duties of Departments by Commissioners.

Section 11-44-30 - Assignment or Delegation of Powers and Duties of Board of Commissioners.

Section 11-44-31 - Resolutions, Bylaws, or Ordinances Generally - Manner of Enactment Generally.

Section 11-44-32 - Resolutions, Bylaws, or Ordinances Generally - Form and Voting Thereon.

Section 11-44-33 - Resolutions, Bylaws, or Ordinances Granting Franchises, etc., for Use of Streets, Public Highways, Etc. - Publication; Effective Date.

Section 11-44-34 - Resolutions, Bylaws, or Ordinances Granting Franchises, etc., for Use of Streets, Public Highways, Etc. - Objections Thereto and Elections Thereon.

Section 11-44-35 - Resolutions, Bylaws, or Ordinances Granting Franchises, etc., for Use of Streets, Public Highways, Etc. - Proceedings Upon Determination of Election Result.

Section 11-44-36 - Manner in Which Franchise, etc., as to Use of Streets, Public Highways, etc., to Be Granted, Extended, or Enlarged.

Section 11-44-37 - Elections for Office of Commissioner - Filing and Form of Statement of Candidacy, Etc.

Section 11-44-38 - Elections for Office of Commissioner - Qualifications of Candidates.

Section 11-44-39 - Elections for Office of Commissioner - Ballots Generally.

Section 11-44-40 - Elections for Office of Commissioner - Specification in Statement of Candidacy and Ballot as to Long or Short Term.

Section 11-44-41 - Elections for Office of Commissioner - Manner of Voting; Majority of Votes Required.

Section 11-44-42 - Elections for Office of Commissioner - Holding of Runoff Election.

Section 11-44-43 - Elections for Office of Commissioner - Qualified Voters Only to Vote.

Section 11-44-44 - Filing and Publication of Statement of Campaign Expenses, etc., by Commissioners.

Section 11-44-45 - Selection of Municipal Employees.

Section 11-44-46 - Officers or Employees Not to Be Interested in Contracts for Services, etc., for Municipality or Railway, Gas Works, etc., Therein.

Section 11-44-47 - Officers Not to Be Interested in or Employed by Public Service Utilities.

Section 11-44-48 - Acceptance, etc., of Free Passes, Gifts, etc., by Officers or Employees From Railways, Gas Works, Etc.

Section 11-44-49 - Publication, etc., of Quarterly Statement of Receipts and Expenses, Etc.

Section 11-44-50 - Examinations of Books and Accounts.

Section 11-44-51 - Maintenance of Record Books by Probate Judges and Compensation Therefor.

Section 11-44-52 - Promising, etc., of Employment, etc., to Obtain Political Support, etc.; Provision of Automobiles, etc., to Bring Voters to Polls.

Section 11-44-53 - Offering or Accepting Bribes for Votes; Unauthorized Voting.

Section 11-44-54 - Solicitation, etc., of Votes by Municipal Employees.

Section 11-44-55 - Payment, etc., of Persons to Solicit Votes; Acceptance of Pay, etc., to Solicit Votes.

Section 11-44-56 - Applicability of General State Laws as to Municipal Elections.

Section 11-44-57 - Penalties for Violations of Provisions of Article.

Section 11-44-58 - Designation by Ordinance of Mayor and Finance Commissioner, Public Works Commissioner, and Public Safety Commissioner in Class 7 Municipalities; Elections; Further Changes in Designations Must Be Authorized by Legislature.