(a) Each licensing authority of Alabama may propound to any professional corporation, domestic or foreign, organized to practice a profession within the jurisdiction of the licensing authority, and to any officer or director thereof, the interrogatories as may be reasonably necessary and proper to enable the licensing authority to ascertain whether the corporation has complied with all the provisions of this chapter applicable to the professional corporation. The interrogatories shall be answered within 30 days after the mailing thereof, or within the additional time as shall be fixed by the licensing authority, and the answers thereto shall be full and complete and shall be made in writing and under oath. If the interrogatories be directed to an individual they shall be answered by him or her, and if directed to a corporation they shall be answered by the president, vice president, secretary, or assistant secretary thereof. The licensing authority shall certify to the Attorney General, for such action as the Attorney General may deem appropriate, all interrogatories and answers thereto which disclosed a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
(b) Interrogatories propounded by a licensing authority and the answers thereto shall not be open to public inspection nor shall the licensing authority disclose any facts or information obtained therefrom except insofar as its official duty may require the same to be made public or in the event the interrogatories or the answers thereto are required for evidence in any criminal proceedings or in any other action by the State of Alabama.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 10A - Alabama Business and Nonprofit Entities Code.
Chapter 4 - Professional Corporations.
Section 10A-4-5.01 - Involuntary Dissolution on Petition of Attorney General.
Section 10A-4-5.02 - Admission of Foreign Professional Corporations.
Section 10A-4-5.03 - Revocation of Certificate of Authority.
Section 10A-4-5.04 - Annual Report of Domestic and Foreign Professional Corporations.
Section 10A-4-5.05 - Interrogatories by Licensing Authority; Generally
Section 10A-4-5.07 - Chapter Does Not Restrict Regulation by Licensing Authority.