Nothing in this article shall be construed to affect the validity of any existing lien or mortgage on the fraternal property or part thereof.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 10A - Alabama Business and Nonprofit Entities Code.
Chapter 20 - Special Purpose Entities.
Article 8 - Local Fraternal Orders.
Section 10A-20-8.01 - Definitions.
Section 10A-20-8.02 - Right of Majority Group of Local Organization in Fraternal Property.
Section 10A-20-8.04 - Right to Set Up Unit Independent of Parent Corporation.
Section 10A-20-8.05 - Declaratory Actions - Institution of Action.
Section 10A-20-8.06 - Declaratory Actions - Service of Process.
Section 10A-20-8.07 - Declaratory Actions - Averments of Plaintiff.
Section 10A-20-8.08 - Declaratory Actions - Judgment.
Section 10A-20-8.10 - Effect of Article on Existing Liens or Mortgages.