Whenever, as a result of action of the parent organization, any of its authoritative subdivisions, or its law-making body the majority group of any local organization shall determine that there has been a change of social policies, within the meaning of this section, or that any act, declaration, law, policy, social creed, or jurisdictional system of the parent organization is contrary to the basic intent, understanding, or basic assumption existing between the contributors, donors, or grantors of the fraternal property and the local organization or between the contributors, grantors, or donors and any trustee of property held for the benefit of the local organization or held by, or for, the use of the local organization subject to the trust clause and whenever a majority group shall find and determine that the act, declaration, or policy of the parent organization is not only contrary to the basic intent, understanding, or assumption, but that acquiescence therein would be contrary to the welfare of the local organization or the peace, order, friendliness, or goodwill within the membership of the local organization, be inconsistent with the effective and harmonious continuation of fraternal work, or involve the organization in public controversy, thereupon the majority group shall have the right, without sacrifice or loss of any title, interest, or matured equity or rights in property, funds, or benefits, to set up a local organization or unit independent of the authority of the parent organization, and the local organization or unit so set up shall be in corporate form as may be provided for under the laws of Alabama for the formation of fraternal or nonprofit charity corporations.
Structure Code of Alabama
Title 10A - Alabama Business and Nonprofit Entities Code.
Chapter 20 - Special Purpose Entities.
Article 8 - Local Fraternal Orders.
Section 10A-20-8.01 - Definitions.
Section 10A-20-8.02 - Right of Majority Group of Local Organization in Fraternal Property.
Section 10A-20-8.04 - Right to Set Up Unit Independent of Parent Corporation.
Section 10A-20-8.05 - Declaratory Actions - Institution of Action.
Section 10A-20-8.06 - Declaratory Actions - Service of Process.
Section 10A-20-8.07 - Declaratory Actions - Averments of Plaintiff.
Section 10A-20-8.08 - Declaratory Actions - Judgment.
Section 10A-20-8.10 - Effect of Article on Existing Liens or Mortgages.