In any case or matter in which the giving or serving of any notice, subpoena, citation or other writing by registered mail is authorized or required by law, such notice, subpoena, citation or other writing may be given or served by certified mail in lieu of registered mail. The person mailing such notices, subpoenas, citations or other writings shall stipulate that the delivery thereof shall be limited to the addressee only in those instances in which the law requires such limited delivery when service is by registered mail and shall demand a "return receipt" in those instances in which the law requires a "return receipt" when service is by registered mail. Whenever any statute authorizes or requires giving or serving any notice, subpoena, citation or other writing by registered mail, such statute shall be construed to authorize such giving or serving thereof also by certified mail.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 3 - Miscellaneous Provisions.
Section 1-3-1 - Common Law of England Adopted.
Section 1-3-2 - When Undertaking Without Seal Sufficient.
Section 1-3-3 - Execution of Bonds, Warrants, Notes, etc., With Facsimile Signatures and Seals.
Section 1-3-4 - Fiscal Year of State.
Section 1-3-5 - Reclassification Date.
Section 1-3-6 - Fees of Certain County and City Officials to Be Paid Into Local Treasury.