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Section 40-12-370 - Eligibility; Scope. - Every bona fide permanent resident of the State of Alabama...
Section 40-12-371 - State License. - Such veterans who shall engage in or carry on any...
Section 40-12-372 - County License. - Such veterans who shall engage in or carry on any...
Section 40-12-373 - Municipal License. - Each such veteran who shall engage in or carry on...
Section 40-12-374 - Duty of Officials; Form of License; Penalty for Transfer. - It shall be the duty of every official charged with...
Section 40-12-375 - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships; Certain Veterans Not Exempt. - No exemption under the provisions of this division shall be...
Section 40-12-376 - Fraudulently Obtaining License. - Any license issued under the provisions of this division shall...
Section 40-12-377 - Penalty for Violation by Officials. - Any person charged with the duty of issuing licenses in...