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Section 40-12-340 - Eligibility; Scope. - Every bona fide permanent resident of the State of Alabama...
Section 40-12-341 - State License. - Each such veteran who shall engage in or carry on...
Section 40-12-342 - County License. - Each such person who shall engage in or carry on...
Section 40-12-343 - Municipal License. - Each such person who shall engage in or carry on...
Section 40-12-344 - Employees, Apprentices and Helpers. - Any person who assists or serves such veteran in the...
Section 40-12-345 - Form of License Issued. - It shall be the duty of each and every official...
Section 40-12-346 - Expiration of License. - All licenses issued under this division shall be in the...
Section 40-12-347 - Proof of Disability. - Proof of disability shall be made by exhibiting a federal...
Section 40-12-348 - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships. - No exemption or commutation herein provided for shall be allowed...
Section 40-12-349 - Fraudulently Obtaining License. - Any license issued under the provisions of this division shall...
Section 40-12-350 - County in Which Issued. - No license herein provided for shall be issued in any...
Section 40-12-351 - Penalty for Violation by Officials. - Any probate judge, city clerk, or city comptroller who willfully...
Section 40-12-352 - Certain Veterans Not Included in Law. - Any veteran whose property, both real and personal, is valued...