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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions
Section 18000. - 18000. This part may be cited as the Street Lighting...
Section 18001. - 18001. Unless the particular provision or the context otherwise requires,...
Section 18002. - 18002. This part shall be liberally construed in order to...
Section 18003. - 18003. This part provides an alternative system for making the...
Section 18004. - 18004. “Street lighting system” and “system” include any or all...
Section 18004.5. - 18004.5. “Street,” and any of its variants, mean and include...
Section 18005. - 18005. “Tax collector” and “city tax collector” mean the city...
Section 18006. - 18006. “Service,” and any of its variants, means and includes...
Section 18007. - 18007. “Improvement,” and any of its variants, include the maintenance...
Section 18007.5. - 18007.5. “Maintenance,” and any of its variants, as used in...
Section 18008. - 18008. “Assessment district” means the territory to be benefited by...
Section 18009. - 18009. “Clerk” and “city clerk” mean any person or officer...
Section 18010. - 18010. “Treasurer” and “city treasurer” include any person or officer...
Section 18011. - 18011. “City” includes all corporations organized and existing for municipal...
Section 18012. - 18012. “City Council” and “council” include any body which by...
Section 18014. - 18014. If lots or parcels of land belonging to the...
CHAPTER 2 - Authority to Maintain and Service
Section 18030. - 18030. Whenever in the opinion of the city council of...
Section 18031. - 18031. The city shall not be limited by the provisions...
Section 18032. - 18032. If there is more than one street lighting system...
Section 18033. - 18033. Whenever a street lighting system is installed along a...
Section 18034. - 18034. If land has been assessed pursuant to Section 18033,...
CHAPTER 3 - The Preliminary Report
Section 18040. - 18040. The city council shall, prior to the passage of...
Section 18041. - 18041. Such report shall contain the following: (a) Plans and...
Section 18042. - 18042. When the report is filed with him the clerk...
CHAPTER 4 - The Resolution of Intention
Section 18060. - 18060. After the report is considered by it, the city...
Section 18061. - 18061. The resolution of intention: (a) Shall briefly describe the...
Section 18062. - 18062. The city council shall, in the resolution of intention,...
CHAPTER 5 - Protest and Hearing
Section 18070. - 18070. (a) After the adoption of the resolution of intention,...
Section 18074. - 18074. (a) Any person interested who objects to the proposed...
Section 18075. - 18075. The city council shall hear, consider, and pass upon...
Section 18076. - 18076. If there is a majority protest by the landowners...
Section 18077. - 18077. If a zone or subdivided zone is struck from...
CHAPTER 5.5 - Annexation of Additional Lands
Section 18080. - 18080. Whenever in the opinion of the city council of...
Section 18081. - 18081. The procedures applicable to such annexation and the lands...
Section 18082. - 18082. The improvement of the street lighting system within the...
Section 18083. - 18083. The term of the contract to be let for...
Section 18084. - 18084. In the event that an ordinance requires the installation...
CHAPTER 6 - Levying and Collecting the Assessment
Section 18090. - 18090. After acquiring jurisdiction to proceed with the improvement, the...
Section 18091. - 18091. Such report shall contain: (a) An estimate of the...
Section 18092. - 18092. Any surplus assessments collected shall be applied by the...
Section 18092.1. - 18092.1. If there is any surplus remaining at the close...
Section 18093. - 18093. If for any reason there is a deficiency in...
Section 18094. - 18094. Upon the levying of any assessment, the city clerk...
Section 18095. - 18095. The validity of any assessment levied under this part...
Section 18096. - 18096. Upon the receipt of the diagram and assessment or...
Section 18097. - 18097. The tax collector shall, upon the recording of such...
Section 18098. - 18098. When payment of any assessment is made, the tax...
Section 18099. - 18099. The lien shall be subordinate to all fixed special...
CHAPTER 7 - Sale and Redemption of Delinquent Property
Section 18120. - 18120. The tax collector shall, within 30 days after the...
Section 18121. - 18121. The notice of sale so published shall contain a...
Section 18122. - 18122. At any time after such delinquency and prior to...
Section 18123. - 18123. At the time and place fixed in the notice...
Section 18124. - 18124. The tax collector shall issue for each sale an...
Section 18125. - 18125. At any time after the date of sale and...
Section 18126. - 18126. The redemption money shall be paid by the tax...
Section 18127. - 18127. At any time after the expiration of 12 months...
Section 18128. - 18128. The purchaser or his assignee shall, at least 30...
Section 18129. - 18129. If the owner can not be found, after due...
Section 18130. - 18130. If redemption of the land is made after such...
Section 18131. - 18131. The deed of the tax collector shall be prima...
CHAPTER 8 - Alternative Procedure for Installment Assessments
Section 18150. - 18150. The procedure in this chapter shall be an alternative...
Section 18151. - 18151. When the assessment has been adopted and confirmed, as...
Section 18152. - 18152. Assessments coming due under this procedure in any year...
Section 18153. - 18153. The city may be the purchaser at any delinquent...
Section 18154. - 18154. When the city becomes the purchaser the land shall...
Section 18155. - 18155. If the procedure provided for in this chapter is...
CHAPTER 8.5 - Alternative Procedure for Levying and Collecting Assessments on ad Valorem Basis
Section 18160. - 18160. The procedure in this chapter shall be an alternative...
Section 18161. - 18161. In the event that the city council shall determine...
Section 18162. - 18162. In the event that the city council shall determine...
Section 18163. - 18163. A certified copy of the resolution ordering the proposed...
Section 18164. - 18164. Each year during the period of time for which...
Section 18165. - 18165. The city council shall, at the time of making...
Section 18166. - 18166. Each year, at the time of making the special...
Section 18167. - 18167. The city council may also transfer from the general...
Section 18168. - 18168. The special assessment tax shall be levied, computed, entered,...
Section 18169. - 18169. If for any reason there is a deficiency in...
CHAPTER 9 - Bids and Awards of Contract
Section 18170. - 18170. At any time after the transmission of the diagram...
CHAPTER 10 - Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 18190. - 18190. The money collected by the tax collector shall be...
Section 18191. - 18191. The city council may adopt a resolution declaring its...
Section 18192. - 18192. The city council may reinstitute any such abandoned assessment...
Section 18193. - 18193. Upon such entire or partial abandonment, all money collected...
Section 18300. - 18300. This part may be cited as the Street Lighting...
Section 18301. - 18301. This part shall be liberally construed in order to...
Section 18302. - 18302. This part provides an alternative system for making the...
Section 18303. - 18303. Unless the particular provision or the context otherwise requires,...
Section 18304. - 18304. “Street lighting system” or “system” includes any or all...
Section 18305. - 18305. “Service,” and any of its variants, means the electrical...
Section 18306. - 18306. “Maintenance” means the repair, replacement, inspection, cleaning or painting...
Section 18307. - 18307. “Improvement,” and any of its variants, includes the maintenance...
Section 18308. - 18308. “Contract year” means a period of 12 months. (Added...
Section 18309. - 18309. “Installment assessment” means the amount levied by the city...
Section 18310. - 18310. “Clerk” or “city clerk” means any person or officer...
Section 18311. - 18311. “Street” includes alleys and other public places. (Added by...
Section 18312. - 18312. “City” includes all corporations organized and existing for municipal...
Section 18313. - 18313. “City council” includes any body which by law is...
Section 18320. - 18320. Whenever in the opinion of the city council the...
Section 18321. - 18321. The improvement shall be for a period to commence...
Section 18322. - 18322. The provisions of this part shall not be limited...
Section 18323. - 18323. If there is more than one street lighting system...
Section 18324. - 18324. Whenever a street lighting system is installed along a...
Section 18325. - 18325. If land has been assessed pursuant to Section 18324,...
CHAPTER 3 - Report and Resolution of Intention
Section 18340. - 18340. The city council shall, prior to the adoption of...
Section 18341. - 18341. Upon the filing of the report, the clerk shall...
Section 18342. - 18342. When the report has been approved, the city council...
Section 18343. - 18343. (a) The city council shall cause notice to be...
CHAPTER 4 - Protest and Hearing
Section 18362. - 18362. (a) At any time not later than the hour...
Section 18364. - 18364. If there is a majority protest by the landowners...
Section 18365. - 18365. If a zone or subdivided zone is struck from...
Section 18366. - 18366. Immediately upon the city council’s determination it shall have...
CHAPTER 5 - Levying and Collecting the Assessment
Section 18390. - 18390. The city council shall thereafter levy an assessment upon...
Section 18391. - 18391. The city council may order by resolution that any...
Section 18392. - 18392. Whenever a part of the next installment of the...
Section 18393. - 18393. Any surplus assessments collected shall be applied by the...
Section 18394. - 18394. If there is any suplus remaining at the close...
Section 18395. - 18395. Whenever a lot or parcel of land belonging to...
Section 18396. - 18396. If the lots or parcels of land, or any...
Section 18397. - 18397. If in such resolution the city council declares that...
Section 18398. - 18398. The validity of any assessment levied under this part...
Section 18399. - 18399. Upon the levying of an installment assessment the city...
Section 18400. - 18400. Upon the receipt of the diagram and installment assessment...
Section 18401. - 18401. Where the duties of assessing property and collecting city...
Section 18402. - 18402. All sums collected on account of such assessment shall...
Section 18403. - 18403. When the diagram and installment assessment are recorded, the...
Section 18404. - 18404. Where the duties of assessing property and collecting city...
Section 18405. - 18405. The lien shall be subordinate to all fixed special...
CHAPTER 7 - City Furnishing Maintenance and Service
Section 18440. - 18440. If the city owns or operates or owns and...
Section 18600. - 18600. This part may be cited as the Municipal Lighting...
Section 18601. - 18601. This part shall be liberally construed in order to...
Section 18602. - 18602. This part provides an alternative system for the maintenance...
Section 18603. - 18603. Unless the particular provision or the context otherwise requires,...
Section 18604. - 18604. “City” includes all corporations organized and existing for municipal...
Section 18605. - 18605. “Street lighting system” or “system” includes any or all...
Section 18606. - 18606. “Maintaining and operating” or any of its variants, when...
Section 18607. - 18607. “City council” includes any body which by law is...
Section 18608. - 18608. “Clerk” or “city clerk” means any person or officer...
Section 18609. - 18609. “Public way” includes all public highways, roads, streets, avenues,...
CHAPTER 2 - Authority to Create the District
Section 18630. - 18630. Whenever the public interest or convenience may require, the...
Section 18631. - 18631. The lands which will be benefited by, and which...
Section 18632. - 18632. Any number of public ways and one or more...
Section 18633. - 18633. Before forming any district or ordering any part of...
CHAPTER 3 - Preliminary Report and Resolution of Intention
Section 18660. - 18660. Before adopting a resolution of intention, the city council...
Section 18661. - 18661. The city council shall order the engineer to prepare...
Section 18662. - 18662. The report and map shall be presented to the...
Section 18663. - 18663. The resolution of intention shall contain: (a) A statement...
Section 18664. - 18664. The city council may order in the resolution of...
Section 18665. - 18665. The resolution shall refer to the map or plat...
Section 18666. - 18666. After the passage of the resolution of intention, the...
Section 18690. - 18690. At the time and place fixed for the hearing...
Section 18691. - 18691. The city council may, by four-fifths vote, deny all...
Section 18692. - 18692. If no protests are filed or if all protests...
CHAPTER 5 - The Final Resolution
Section 18710. - 18710. The city council may, by final resolution, order the...
Section 18711. - 18711. A certified copy of the final resolution shall be...
Section 18730. - 18730. Each year during the existence of the district and...
Section 18731. - 18731. The special assessment tax shall be levied, computed, entered,...
Section 18732. - 18732. The city council shall control and order the expenditure...
Section 18733. - 18733. Each year at the time of making the special...
Section 18734. - 18734. The city council may also transfer from the general...
CHAPTER 8 - Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 18780. - 18780. The sole acts necessary to confer jurisdiction upon the...
Section 18781. - 18781. No error, defect, irregularity, informality, neglect or omission of...
Section 19000. - 19000. This part may be cited as the Highway Lighting...
Section 19001. - 19001. This part shall be liberally construed to effectuate its...
Section 19002. - 19002. This part provides an alternative system for making the...
Section 19003. - 19003. Unless the particular provision or the context otherwise requires,...
Section 19004. - 19004. “Street lighting system” or “system” includes any system of...
Section 19005. - 19005. “Clerk” or “county clerk” means any person or officer...
Section 19006. - 19006. “Service,” and any of its variants, means and includes...
Section 19007. - 19007. “Governing body” refers to the board of supervisors of...
Section 19008. - 19008. “Public highway” or “highway” includes any highway, county highway,...
CHAPTER 2 - Proceedings for the Formation of the District
Section 19030. - 19030. In accordance with the provisions of this part any...
Section 19031. - 19031. Proceedings for the formation of a highway lighting district...
Section 19032. - 19032. The petition shall contain the name of the proposed...
Section 19033. - 19033. The name of the proposed district shall be in...
Section 19034. - 19034. Upon the presentation of a petition requesting that the...
Section 19035. - 19035. If the certifying officer certifies that the petition bears...
Section 19036. - 19036. The county assessment roll last equalized at the time...
Section 19037. - 19037. The affidavit of the person who circulated and obtained...
CHAPTER 3 - Protests and Hearing
Section 19050. - 19050. The board of supervisors shall fix a time, not...
Section 19051. - 19051. The clerk shall cause notices of the filing and...
Section 19052. - 19052. The clerk shall also cause a notice, similar in...
Section 19053. - 19053. Any person interested, who objects either to the formation...
Section 19054. - 19054. The board of supervisors shall hear and pass upon...
Section 19055. - 19055. If any person protests against the extent of the...
Section 19056. - 19056. In the event that an ordinance requires the installation...
CHAPTER 4 - Authority to Proceed
Section 19070. - 19070. If no protests are filed, or if all protests...
Section 19071. - 19071. If the board finds that the petition was signed...
CHAPTER 5 - Calling and Conducting the Election
Section 19090. - 19090. Within 30 days after acquiring jurisdiction to proceed, the...
Section 19091. - 19091. The election shall be called by posting notice thereof...
Section 19092. - 19092. The election shall be conducted in accordance with the...
Section 19093. - 19093. Every registered voter in the jurisdiction shall be entitled...
Section 19094. - 19094. The precinct boards shall canvass the votes in accordance...
CHAPTER 6 - Establishing the District
Section 19110. - 19110. If a majority of the votes cast at the...
Section 19111. - 19111. If a majority of the votes cast are against...
Section 19112. - 19112. The fact of the filing of the petition, and...
CHAPTER 7 - Authority of the Governing Body
Section 19130. - 19130. The board of supervisors of the county in which...
Section 19131. - 19131. The district may sue and be sued. (Added by...
Section 19132. - 19132. The governing body shall: (a) Make all rules, regulations...
CHAPTER 8 - Bids and Award of Contracts
Section 19151. - 19151. In granting authority to install the system and in...
CHAPTER 9 - Installation of Additional Lights
Section 19160. - 19160. Proceedings for the installation and maintenance of additional lights...
Section 19161. - 19161. Upon institution of proceedings pursuant to Section 19160, if...
Section 19161.1. - 19161.1. Whenever the board of supervisors levies an assessment authorized...
Section 19162. - 19162. If the governing body determines that it will not...
CHAPTER 9.5 - Replacement of Obsolete Lighting System in Existing District
Section 19165. - 19165. Upon the receipt of a petition signed by owners...
Section 19165.1. - 19165.1. As an alternative to the petition procedure, the board...
Section 19166. - 19166. A petition asking for the removal of obsolete lights...
Section 19167. - 19167. Upon the presentation of a petition pursuant to this...
Section 19168. - 19168. If the certifying officer certifies that the petition bears...
Section 19169. - 19169. Upon the date fixed for the hearing, or at...
Section 19170. - 19170. If the board of supervisors determines with respect to...
Section 19171. - 19171. With respect to a petition for the replacement of...
Section 19172. - 19172. The provisions of Sections 19036 and 19037 apply to...
Section 19173. - 19173. A statement regarding the boundaries of a zone established...
Section 19174. - 19174. In order that the obsolete system may be removed...
Section 19175. - 19175. The board of supervisors may, from time to time,...
Section 19176. - 19176. The board of supervisors shall, in the first fiscal...
Section 19176.1. - 19176.1. Whenever the board of supervisors levies an assessment authorized...
Section 19177. - 19177. A zone shall remain in existence for the period...
CHAPTER 10 - Estimating and Levying the Assessment
Section 19180. - 19180. On or before the first day of September of...
Section 19180.1. - 19180.1. Whenever the board of supervisors levies an assessment authorized...
Section 19181. - 19181. When the estimate has been made, the board of...
Section 19182. - 19182. If a district is organized in any year too...
Section 19183. - 19183. If any lights have been maintained by public subscription...
Section 19184. - 19184. The special tax shall be levied, computed, entered, collected,...
Section 19185. - 19185. Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the board of...
CHAPTER 10.5 - Claims
Section 19190. - 19190. All claims for money or damages against the district...
CHAPTER 11 - Disposition of Funds
Section 19200. - 19200. The revenue derived from the special tax, together with...
Section 19201. - 19201. Any funds arising from assessments made under this part...
Section 19202. - 19202. The governing body of any highway lighting district may...
CHAPTER 12 - Annexation of Territory
Section 19210. - 19210. Territory in the same county whether contiguous or not...
Section 19211. - 19211. At the first regular meeting after the petition has...
Section 19212. - 19212. Upon the date fixed for the hearing, or at...
Section 19213. - 19213. Any territory which will not be benefited, by inclusion...
Section 19214. - 19214. The order of annexation shall be conclusive evidence of...
Section 19215. - 19215. If a petition, signed by 15 or more taxpayers...
CHAPTER 13 - Withdrawal of Territory
Section 19230. - 19230. Any portion of the territory of a highway lighting...
Section 19231. - 19231. The board of supervisors shall fix a time and...
Section 19232. - 19232. At least 10 days before the time fixed for...
Section 19233. - 19233. Any person interested may appear at the hearing and...
Section 19234. - 19234. Upon the withdrawal of any territory from the district,...
CHAPTER 14 - Dissolution by Petition
Section 19250. - 19250. Proceedings for the dissolution of the district may be...
Section 19251. - 19251. If a majority of the votes cast at the...
Section 19252. - 19252. Upon the dissolution of the district the title to...
Section 19253. - 19253. If at the time of the election to dissolve...
CHAPTER 15 - Dissolution by Annexation or Incorporation Proceedings
Section 19270. - 19270. Upon the inclusion of all of the territory embraced...
Section 19271. - 19271. If all of the territory of the district is...
Section 19272. - 19272. If all of the territory of the district is...
Section 19273. - 19273. Each city shall be liable for such proportionate part...
Section 19274. - 19274. After all of its territory has been included in...
CHAPTER 15.5 - Dissolution Upon Annexation to Maintenance District or Establishment of a County Service Area, a Community Services District, or a City
Section 19280. - 19280. (a) A district organized under this part may be...
Section 19280.5. - 19280.5. A district organized under this part may be dissolved...
Section 19281. - 19281. If the board of supervisors finds that all of...
Section 19282. - 19282. The dissolution shall be effective upon the filing with...
CHAPTER 16 - Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 19290. - 19290. Whenever any portion of a district is included within...
Section 19291. - 19291. If a portion of the territory embraced in any...
CHAPTER 17 - Temporary Zones
Section 19300. - 19300. A petition asking for the installation and maintenance of...
Section 19301. - 19301. A petition for annexation filed pursuant to Chapter 12...
Section 19302. - 19302. Upon the presentation of a petition pursuant to this...
Section 19303. - 19303. If the certifying officer certifies that the petition bears...
Section 19304. - 19304. Upon the date fixed for the hearing, or at...
Section 19305. - 19305. If the board of supervisors determines, with respect to...
Section 19306. - 19306. If the board of supervisors determines, with respect to...
Section 19307. - 19307. The provisions of Sections 19036 and 19037 apply to...
Section 19308. - 19308. A statement regarding the boundaries of a zone established...
Section 19309. - 19309. In order that the lights proposed to be installed...
Section 19310. - 19310. The board of supervisors may, from time to time,...
Section 19310.5. - 19310.5. Any area of the district, or of a zone...
Section 19311. - 19311. The board of supervisors shall, in the first fiscal...
Section 19311.1. - 19311.1. (a) The board of supervisors shall not levy assessments...
Section 19312. - 19312. A zone shall remain in existence for the period...
Section 19313. - 19313. Where the board of supervisors or legislative body has...
Section 19314. - 19314. If a highway lighting district is divided into tax...
CHAPTER 18 - Consolidation
Section 19320. - 19320. At any time after the establishment of two or...
Section 19321. - 19321. The board shall fix a time and place for...
Section 19322. - 19322. The notice shall be headed “Notice of the proposed...
Section 19323. - 19323. The notice shall state that it is proposed to...
Section 19324. - 19324. At the time and place fixed for hearing or...
Section 19325. - 19325. At the conclusion of the hearing the board may...
Section 19326. - 19326. If the board determines to consolidate any of the...
Section 19327. - 19327. The district resulting from the consolidation of two or...
Section 19328. - 19328. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the district resulting...
Section 19400. - 19400. From federal funds available for promoting public safety on...
Section 19401. - 19401. In allocating funds for such purposes, the department shall...
Section 19402. - 19402. The department shall adopt such rules and regulations as...