California Code
CHAPTER 4 - Applications for Grants
Section 99665.

99665. (a) To be eligible for a grant for a rail transit project pursuant to Section 99630, subdivision (b), (c), or (d) of Section 99631, subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 99632, Section 99633, 99634, 99635, 99637, subdivision (b) of Section 99638, Section 99639, subdivision (b) of Section 99640, Section 99641, 99642, 99643, 99644, or 99645, an applicant agency shall match on a dollar-for-dollar basis, the amount of the grant from other public or private sources and shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the commission, the availability of those other funds.

(b) Local agencies shall not adopt new or increased development taxes, fees, or exactions or permit fees for the purpose of providing matching funds for any grant specified in subdivision (a) or to pay for operating costs of new service established by a grant made pursuant to this part.

(c) Bridge toll revenues otherwise available to a local agency may be used as a source of matching funds.

(Added June 5, 1990, by initiative Proposition 116.)