California Code
CHAPTER 2 - The Clean Air and Transportation Improvement Fund
Section 99611.

99611. It is the intent of the people of California, in enacting this part, that bond funds shall not be used to displace existing sources of funds for rail and other forms of public transportation, including, but not limited to, funds that have been provided pursuant to Article XIX of the California Constitution, the Transportation Planning and Development Account in the State Transportation Fund, the Mills-Alquist-Deddeh Act (Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 99200) of Part 11), and local transportation sales taxes; that any future comprehensive transportation funding legislation shall not offset or reduce the amounts otherwise made available for transit purposes by this act; and that funding for public transit should be increased from existing sources including fuel taxes and sales tax on fuels.

(Added June 5, 1990, by initiative Proposition 116.)