California Code
ARTICLE 4 - Powers and Duties; Notes and Bonds
Section 94144.

94144. (a) The authority is authorized from time to time to issue its bonds for any corporate purpose. In anticipation of the sale of the bonds, the authority may issue bond anticipation notes and may renew the bond anticipation notes from time to time. The bond anticipation notes shall be paid from any revenues of the authority or other moneys available for payment of bond anticipation notes and not otherwise pledged, or from the proceeds of sale of the bonds of the authority in anticipation of which the bond anticipation notes were issued. The bond anticipation notes shall be issued in the same manner as the bonds. The bond anticipation notes and the resolution or resolutions authorizing the bond anticipation notes may contain any provisions, conditions, or limitations which a bond resolution of the authority may contain.

(b) Except as may otherwise be expressly provided by the authority, every issue of its bonds or notes shall be general obligations of the authority payable from any revenues or moneys of the authority available for payment of the bonds or notes and not otherwise pledged, subject only to any agreements with the holders of particular bonds or notes pledging any particular revenues or moneys and subject to any agreements with any participating institution or university applicant. Negotiable bonds and notes shall be and be deemed to be, for all purposes, negotiable instruments, notwithstanding the fact that the negotiable bonds or notes may be payable from a special fund, subject only to the provisions of the bonds or notes for registration.

(c) (1) The bonds may be issued as serial bonds or as term bonds, or the authority, in its discretion, may issue bonds of both types. The bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the authority, and shall bear the date or dates, mature at a time or times, not exceeding 50 years from their respective dates, bear interest at the rate or rates, be payable at the time or times, be in denominations, be in a form, either coupon or registered, carry registration privileges, be executed in a manner, be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at a place or places, and be subject to the terms of redemption that the resolution or resolutions may provide. The bonds or notes may be sold by the Treasurer at public sale, or the authority, after giving due consideration to the recommendations of the participating institution, participating nonprofit entity, or university applicant, may direct the Treasurer to sell the bonds or notes at private sale.

(2) In the case of public sale, both of the following shall occur:

(A) The bonds specified in the resolution shall be sold by the Treasurer, at a time fixed by the Treasurer, and upon notice that the Treasurer may deem advisable, or at the time to which the sale shall have been continued, at public sale, upon sealed bids, to the bidder whose bid will result in the lowest net interest cost on account of the bonds.

(B) If no bids are received, or if the Treasurer determines that the bids are not satisfactory, the Treasurer may reject all bids received, if any, and either readvertise or sell the bonds at private sale.

(3) Pending preparation of the definitive bonds, the authority may issue interim receipts or certificates that shall be exchanged for the definitive bonds.

(d) A resolution or resolutions authorizing bonds or an issue of bonds may contain provisions, which shall be a part of the contract with the holders of the bonds to be authorized, as to all of the following:

(1) Pledging the full faith and credit of the authority or pledging all or any part of the revenues of a project or any revenue-producing contract or contracts made by the authority with any individual, partnership, corporation, or association or other body, public or private, to secure the payment of the bonds or of any particular issue of bonds, subject to those agreements with bondholders that may then exist.

(2) The rents, fees, and other charges to be charged, and the amounts to be raised in each year by the rents, fees, and other charges to be charged, and the use and disposition of the revenues.

(3) The setting aside of reserves or sinking funds, and the regulation and disposition of the reserves or sinking funds.

(4) Limitations on the right of the authority or its agent to restrict and regulate the use of the project.

(5) Limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of sale of an issue of bonds then or thereafter to be issued may be applied and pledging the proceeds of sale to secure the payment of the bonds or an issue of the bonds.

(6) Limitations on the issuance of additional bonds, the terms upon which additional bonds may be issued and secured, and the refunding of outstanding bonds.

(7) The procedure, if any, by which the terms of a contract with bondholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds the holders of which must consent thereto, and the manner in which that consent may be given.

(8) Limitations on the amount of moneys derived from the project to be expended for operating, administrative, or other expenses of the authority.

(9) Defining the acts or omissions to act that constitute a default in the duties of the authority to holders of its obligations, and providing the rights and remedies of the holders in the event of a default.

(10) The mortgaging of a project and the site of the project for the purpose of securing the bondholders.

(e) Members of the authority and persons executing the bonds or notes shall not be liable personally on the bonds or notes or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance of the bonds or notes.

(f) The authority shall have the power to purchase its bonds or notes out of any funds available for purchasing its bonds or notes. The authority may hold, pledge, cancel, or resell the bonds, subject to and in accordance with agreements with bondholders.

(Amended by Stats. 2022, Ch. 572, Sec. 20. (AB 190) Effective September 27, 2022.)