California Code
ARTICLE 7 - Oil Spill Response Trust Fund
Section 8670.51.

8670.51. (a) When a person has obtained a final judgment for damages resulting from an oil spill in waters of the state, but is unable, within one year after the date of its entry, to enforce the judgment pursuant to Title 9 (commencing with Section 680.010) of the Code of Civil Procedure, or is unable to obtain satisfaction of the judgment from the federal government within 90 additional days, the administrator shall pay an amount not to exceed those amounts that cannot be recovered from a responsible party and the fund shall be subrogated to all rights, claims, and causes of action that the claimant has under this chapter, Article 3. 5 (commencing with Section 8574.1) of Chapter 7, Section 8670.61.5, and Division 7.8 (commencing with Section 8750) of the Public Resources Code.

(b) Any person may apply to the fund for compensation for damages and losses suffered as a result of an oil spill in waters of the state under any of the following conditions:

(1) The responsible party or parties cannot be ascertained.

(2) A responsible party is not liable for noneconomic damages caused by another.

(3) Subdivision (i) of Section 8670.56.6 is applicable to the claim.

(c) The administrator shall not approve any claim in an amount that exceeds the amount to which the person would otherwise be entitled pursuant to Section 8670.56.5, and shall pay claims from the fund that are approved pursuant to this section.

(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 35, Sec. 45. (SB 861) Effective June 20, 2014.)