California Code
ARTICLE 13 - Administrative Review
Section 8315.

8315. (a) A contracting agency that evidences any of the following acts or omissions may have its contract or contracts immediately terminated if there is documented evidence of the acts or omissions, and upon review and recommendation of the general counsel of the department:

(1) Fraud, or conspiracy to defraud.

(2) Misuse or misappropriation of state or federal funds, including a violation of Section 8316.

(3) Embezzlement.

(4) Threats of bodily or other harm to a state official.

(5) Bribery or attempted bribery of a state official.

(6) Unsafe or unhealthy physical environment or facility.

(7) Substantiated abuse or molestation of children.

(8) Failure to report suspected child abuse or molestation.

(9) Theft of supplies, equipment, or food.

(10) Cessation of operations without the permission of the department, or acts or omissions evidencing abandonment of the contract or contracts.

(11) Failure of a program operating pursuant to this chapter to pay salaries owed to employees, pay federal payroll tax, or fully reimburse a significant number of childcare providers, as determined by the department, for more than 15 days after the employee salaries, federal payroll taxes, or reimbursement payments were due, unless the failure is attributable to a delay in receiving apportionments from the state.

(b) An agency whose contract is immediately terminated pursuant to this section retains appeal rights in accordance with Section 8309.

(c) Notwithstanding any service provision in the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), a notice of immediate termination shall be served on the contracting agency by personal service or at the last address on file with the department, by overnight mail or certified mail. Service may be proved in the manner authorized in a civil action. Service by mail is complete at the time of deposit.

(d) The department shall advise childcare and development contractors of the provisions of this section within 30 working days of the effective date of the act amending this section during the 2013–14 Regular Session of the Legislature.

(Added by renumbering Section 8406.7 by Stats. 2021, Ch. 116, Sec. 213. (AB 131) Effective July 23, 2021.)