California Code
CHAPTER 10 - Climate Preparedness, Habitat Resiliency, Resource Enhancement, and Innovation
Section 80137.

80137. (a) Of the amount made available pursuant to Section 80130, sixty million dollars ($60,000,000) shall be made available to the Natural Resources Agency for competitive grants to local agencies, nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental land conservation organizations, federally recognized Native American tribes, or nonfederally recognized California Native American tribes listed on the California Tribal Consultation List maintained by the Native American Heritage Commission, to do any of the following:

(1) Restore, protect, and acquire Native American, natural, cultural, and historic resources within the state.

(2) Convert and repurpose properties or parts of properties that served as the site of a fossil fuel powerplant that had been retired on the effective date of this division, or were scheduled to be retired prior to January 1, 2021, to create permanently protected open space, tourism, and park opportunities through fee title or conservation easements.

(3) Enhance visitor experiences through development, expansion, and improvement of science centers operated by foundations or other nonprofit organizations in heavily urbanized areas.

(4) Enhance park, water, and natural resource values through improved recreation, tourism, and natural resource investments in those areas of the state not within the jurisdiction of a state conservancy.

(5) Promote, develop, and improve any of the following:

(A) Community, civic, or athletic venues.

(B) Cultural or visitor centers that recognize that contributions of California’s ethnic communities or celebrate the unique traditions of these communities, including those of Asian and Hispanic descent.

(C) Visitor centers or nonprofit aquariums that educate the public about natural landscapes, aquatic species, or wildlife migratory patterns.

(b) Of the amount subject to this section, twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) shall be available for multibenefit green infrastructure investments in or benefiting disadvantaged or severely disadvantaged communities.

(Added by Stats. 2017, Ch. 852, Sec. 3. Approved in Proposition 68 at the June 5, 2018, election.)