California Code
CHAPTER 2 - Alphabetical List
Section 7930.170.

7930.170. The following provisions may operate to exempt certain records, or portions thereof, from disclosure pursuant to this division:

Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board, negotiations with entities contracting or seeking to contract with the board, Sections 7926.225 and 7926.230, this code.

Mandated blood testing and confidentiality to protect public health, prohibition against compelling identification of test subjects, Section 120975, Health and Safety Code.

Mandated blood testing and confidentiality to protect public health, unauthorized disclosures of identification of test subjects, Sections 1603.1, 1603.3, and 121022, Health and Safety Code.

Mandated blood testing and confidentiality to protect public health, disclosure to patient’s spouse, sexual partner, needle sharer, or county health officer, Section 121015, Health and Safety Code.

Manufactured home, mobilehome, floating home, confidentiality of home address of registered owner, Section 18081, Health and Safety Code.

Marital confidential communications, Sections 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, and 987, Evidence Code.

Market reports, confidential, Section 7927.300, this code.

Marketing of commodities, confidentiality of financial information, Section 58781, Food and Agricultural Code.

Marketing orders, confidentiality of processors’ or distributors’ information, Section 59202, Food and Agricultural Code.

Marriage, confidential, certificate, Section 511, Family Code.

Medi-Cal Benefits Program, confidentiality of information, Section 14100.2, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Medi-Cal Benefits Program, request of department for records or information, Section 14124.89, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Medi-Cal managed care program, exemption from disclosure for financial and utilization data submitted by Medi-Cal managed care health plans to establish rates, Section 14301.1, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Medi-Cal program, exemption from disclosure for best price contracts between the State Department of Health Care Services and drug manufacturers, Section 14105.33, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Medical information, disclosure by provider unless prohibited by patient in writing, Section 56.16, Civil Code.

Medical information, types of information not subject to patient prohibition of disclosure, Section 56.30, Civil Code.

Medical and other hospital committees and peer review bodies, confidentiality of records, Section 1157, Evidence Code.

Medical or dental licensee, action for revocation or suspension due to illness, report, confidentiality of, Section 828, Business and Professions Code.

Medical or dental licensee, disciplinary action, denial or termination of staff privileges, report, confidentiality of, Sections 805, 805.1, and 805.5, Business and Professions Code.

Meetings of state agencies, disclosure of agenda, Section 11125.1, this code.

Mentally abnormal sex offender committed to state hospital, confidentiality of records, Section 4135, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Mentally disordered and developmentally disabled offenders, access to criminal histories of, Section 1620, Penal Code.

Mentally disordered persons, court-ordered evaluation, confidentiality of reports, Section 5202, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Mentally disordered or mentally ill person, confidentiality of written consent to detainment, Section 5326.4, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Mentally disordered or mentally ill person, voluntarily or involuntarily detained and receiving services, confidentiality of records and information, Sections 5328, 5328.15, 5328.2, 5328.4, 5328.8, and 5328.9, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Mentally disordered or mentally ill person, weapons restrictions, confidentiality of information about, Section 8103, Welfare and Institutions Code.

Milk marketing, confidentiality of records, Section 61443, Food and Agricultural Code.

Milk product certification, confidentiality of, Section 62121, Food and Agricultural Code.

Milk, market milk, confidential records and reports, Section 62243, Food and Agricultural Code.

Milk product registration, confidentiality of information, Section 38946, Food and Agricultural Code.

Milk equalization pool plan, confidentiality of producers’ voting, Section 62716, Food and Agricultural Code.

Mining report, confidentiality of report containing information relating to mineral production, reserves, or rate of depletion of mining operation, Section 2207, Public Resources Code.

Minor, criminal proceeding testimony closed to public, Section 859.1, Penal Code.

Minors, material depicting sexual conduct, records of suppliers to be kept and made available to law enforcement, Section 1309.5, Labor Code.

Misdemeanor and felony reports by police chiefs and sheriffs to Department of Justice, confidentiality of, Sections 11107 and 11107.5, Penal Code.

Monetary instrument transaction records, confidentiality of, Section 14167, Penal Code.

Missing persons’ information, disclosure of, Sections 14204 and 14205, Penal Code.

Morbidity and mortality studies, confidentiality of records, Section 100330, Health and Safety Code.

Motor vehicle accident reports, disclosure, Sections 16005, 20012, and 20014, Vehicle Code.

Motor Vehicles, Department of, public records, exceptions, Sections 1808 to 1808.7, inclusive, Vehicle Code.

Motor vehicle insurance fraud reporting, confidentiality of information acquired, Section 1874.3, Insurance Code.

Motor vehicle liability insurer, data reported to Department of Insurance, confidentiality of, Section 11628, Insurance Code.

Multijurisdictional drug law enforcement agency, closed sessions to discuss criminal investigation, Section 54957.8, this code.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 614, Sec. 5. (AB 473) Effective January 1, 2022. Operative January 1, 2023, pursuant to Sec. 7931.000.)