79068.6. Seventy million dollars ($70,000,000) in the subaccount, upon appropriation by the Legislature to the department or Reclamation Board, shall be used by the department or Reclamation Board to fund one or more of the following flood protection projects to be implemented by a local public entity that has legal authority and jurisdiction to implement a flood control program along the Yuba and Feather Rivers and their tributaries:
(a) The construction or improvements of weirs, bypasses, and channels.
(b) The construction of levees or improving publicly maintained levees, including, but not limited to, setback levees, training walls, floodwalls, and streambank protection projects, which provide flood protection or flood damage reduction.
(c) The modification or reoperation of existing dams and waterworks, including spillways or other capital outlay facilities, for the purpose of increased efficiency in managing flood waters.
(d) The installation of tailwater suppression systems, detention basins, relief wells, test wells, flood warning systems, and telemetry devices.
(e) The relocation or floodproofing of structures within floodplains, which meet or exceed a community’s floodplain regulations, pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Program.
(f) Implementation of watershed projects, which provide flood protection or flood damage reduction.
(g) The construction of, or improvement to, a state or interstate highway, county road, or a levee road, that is designated a flood emergency evacuation route, or that provides access to a levee for emergency vehicles, flood fights, or levee repair and maintenance, or a project that protects such a road or highway.
(h) The purchase of lands, easements, and rights-of-way.
(i) Capital costs of environmental mitigation.
(Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 725, Sec. 1. Approved in Proposition 13 at the March 7, 2000, election.)