78647.5. An eligible project shall include one or more of the following purposes:
(a) A reduction in the presence of contaminants in drinking water by addressing the origins of the contaminants, including, to the maximum extent practicable, the specific activities that affect the drinking water supply of a community or communities. A project with a purpose described in this subdivision shall address contaminants, including those that are pathogenic organisms, for which a national primary drinking water regulation has been established, and that are detected in the community water system for which the application is submitted at levels above the maximum contaminant level or that are detected by adequate monitoring methods at levels that are not reliably and consistently below the maximum contaminant level.
(b) An increase in the yield of water available from, and water retention capabilities of, the watershed, including projects to reduce dense forest understory, restore upland meadows, and repair stream channels.
(c) The improvement, restoration, or enhancement of fisheries habitat, including riparian habitat, in and along streams and watercourses in the watershed. Projects may address factors which increase sedimentation in streams and watercourses in the watershed.
(d) The improvement of overall forest health, including the reduction of factors which may contribute to the severity of wildfires in the watershed.
(Added by Stats. 1996, Ch. 135, Sec. 1. Approved in Proposition 204 at the November 5, 1996, election.)