California Code
CHAPTER 1 - Annual Estimate
Section 75357.

75357. Except as provided in Section 75358, the assessment levied during any year pursuant to this chapter shall not exceed two and one-half mills ($0.0025) on each one hundred cents ($1) of the assessed value of the lands within the district, according to the last assessment rolls; provided, that the assessment levied during any year pursuant to this chapter shall not exceed five mills ($0.005) on each one hundred cents ($1) of the assessed value of the lands within the district, according to the last assessment rolls, in any district in which such limitation is approved by the voters of the district at an election held within the district at which a majority of the voters voting on the proposition approve such limitation. Such election may be called by the board and consolidated with any other election held within the district, and the manner of holding and conducting the election shall be in accordance with the general laws of the state relative to elections at which propositions are submitted and voted upon. This limitation shall not apply to a special assessment levied pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 75390) of this part or assessments for the payment of the principal and interest on bonds.

(Amended by Stats. 1974, Ch. 33.)