California Code
PART 2 - Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program
Section 75223.

75223. (a) The Transportation Agency shall conduct at least two public workshops on draft program guidelines containing selection criteria prior to approval and shall post the draft guidelines on the agency’s Internet Web site at least 30 days prior to the first public workshop. Concurrent with the posting, the agency shall transmit the draft guidelines to the fiscal committees and the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature.

(b) The Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code) does not apply to the development and approval of procedures and program guidelines for the program pursuant to this section.

(Added by Stats. 2015, Ch. 710, Sec. 4. (SB 9) Effective January 1, 2016.)