California Code
CHAPTER 2 - Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program
Section 75212.

75212. Projects eligible for funding pursuant to the program include any of the following:

(a) Intermodal, affordable rental or owner-occupied housing projects that support infill and compact development.

(b) Transit capital projects and programs supporting transit ridership, including water-borne transit.

(c) Active transportation capital projects that qualify under the Active Transportation Program, including pedestrian and bicycle facilities and supportive infrastructure, including connectivity to transit stations.

(d) Noninfrastructure-related active transportation projects that qualify under the Active Transportation Program, including activities that encourage active transportation goals conducted in conjunction with infrastructure improvement projects.

(e) Transit-oriented development projects, including affordable rental or owner-occupied housing and infrastructure at or near transit stations or connecting those developments to transit stations.

(f) Capital projects that implement local complete streets programs.

(g) Other projects or programs designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other criteria air pollutants by reducing automobile trips and vehicle miles traveled within a community.

(h) Acquisition of easements or other approaches or tools that protect agricultural lands that are under pressure of being converted to nonagricultural uses, particularly those adjacent to areas most at risk of urban or suburban sprawl or those of special environmental significance.

(i) Planning to support implementation of a sustainable communities strategy, including implementation of local plans supporting greenhouse gas emissions reduction efforts and promoting infill and compact development.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 355, Sec. 3. (AB 1095) Effective January 1, 2022.)