California Code
ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
Section 7513.75.

7513.75. (a) The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:

(1) The combustion of coal resources is the single largest contributor to global climate change in the United States.

(2) Climate change affects all parts of the California economy and environment, and the Legislature has adopted numerous laws to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to a changing climate.

(3) The purpose of this section is to require the Public Employees’ Retirement System and the State Teachers’ Retirement System, consistent with, and not in violation of, their fiduciary responsibilities, to divest their holding of thermal coal power as one part of the state’s broader efforts to decarbonize the California economy and to transition to clean, pollution free energy resources.

(b) As used in this section, the following definitions apply:

(1) “Board” means the Board of Administration of the Public Employees’ Retirement System or the Teachers’ Retirement Board of the State Teachers’ Retirement System, as applicable.

(2) “Company” means a sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, venture, or other entity, or its subsidiary or affiliate, that exists for profit-making purposes or to otherwise secure economic advantage.

(3) “Investment” means the purchase, ownership, or control of publicly issued stock, corporate bonds, or other debt instruments issued by a company.

(4) “Public employee retirement funds” means the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund described in Section 20062 of this code, and the Teachers’ Retirement Fund described in Section 22167 of the Education Code.

(5) “Thermal coal” means coal used to generate electricity, such as that which is burned to create steam to run turbines. Thermal coal does not mean metallurgical coal or coking coal used to produce steel.

(6) “Thermal coal company” means a publicly traded company that generates 50 percent or more of its revenue from the mining of thermal coal, as determined by the board.

(c) The board shall not make additional or new investments or renew existing investments of public employee retirement funds in a thermal coal company.

(d) The board shall liquidate investments in a thermal coal company on or before July 1, 2017. In making a determination to liquidate investments, the board shall constructively engage with a thermal coal company to establish whether the company is transitioning its business model to adapt to clean energy generation, such as through a decrease in its reliance on thermal coal as a revenue source.

(e) On or before January 1, 2018, the board shall file a report with the Legislature, in compliance with Section 9795, and the Governor, which shall include the following:

(1) A list of thermal coal companies of which the board has liquidated its investments pursuant to subdivision (d).

(2) A list of companies with which the board engaged pursuant to subdivision (d) that the board established were transitioning to clean energy generation, with supporting documentation to substantiate the board’s determination.

(3) A list of thermal coal companies of which the board has not liquidated its investments as a result of a determination made pursuant to subdivision (f) that a sale or transfer of investments is inconsistent with the fiduciary responsibilities of the board as described in Section 17 of Article XVI of the California Constitution and the board’s findings adopted in support of that determination.

(f) Nothing in this section shall require a board to take action as described in this section unless the board determines in good faith that the action described in this section is consistent with the fiduciary responsibilities of the board described in Section 17 of Article XVI of the California Constitution.

(Added by Stats. 2015, Ch. 605, Sec. 1. (SB 185) Effective January 1, 2016.)