California Code
CHAPTER 3 - Consent by Minor
Section 6928.

6928. (a) “Sexually assaulted” as used in this section includes, but is not limited to, conduct coming within Section 261, 286, or 287 of the Penal Code.

(b) A minor who is alleged to have been sexually assaulted may consent to medical care related to the diagnosis and treatment of the condition, and the collection of medical evidence with regard to the alleged sexual assault.

(c) The professional person providing medical treatment shall attempt to contact the minor’s parent or guardian and shall note in the minor’s treatment record the date and time the professional person attempted to contact the parent or guardian and whether the attempt was successful or unsuccessful. This subdivision does not apply if the professional person reasonably believes that the minor’s parent or guardian committed the sexual assault on the minor.

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 423, Sec. 25. (SB 1494) Effective January 1, 2019.)