California Code
ARTICLE 3 - Fiscal Provisions
Section 67335.

67335. (a) Bonds in the total amount of six hundred million dollars ($600,000,000), not including the amount of any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Section 67343, or so much thereof as is necessary, may be issued and sold to provide a fund to be used for carrying out the purposes expressed in this chapter and to be used to reimburse the General Obligation Bond Expense Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 16724.5 of the Government Code. The bonds shall, when sold, be and constitute a valid and binding obligation of the State of California, and the full faith and credit of the State of California is hereby pledged for the punctual payment of both principal of, and interest on, the bonds as the principal and interest become due and payable.

(b) Pursuant to this section, the Treasurer shall sell the bonds authorized by the committee at such different times as necessary to service expenditures required by the apportionments.

(Added by Stats. 1988, Ch. 44, Sec. 1. Approved in Proposition 78 at the November 8, 1988, election.)