California Code
ARTICLE 2 - Transfer Functions
Section 66744.1.

66744.1. (a) As used in this section, unless the context requires otherwise, “university” means the California State University.

(b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the California State University establish a dual admissions program as a separate transfer pathway for first-time freshman applicants, and that the dual admissions program be designed to aid in achieving the following goals:

(1) Increasing access to the university for prospective underrepresented students experiencing limitations in high school curriculum offered, geographical constraints, or financial challenges.

(2) Increasing graduation rates among underrepresented students.

(3) Reducing student costs and time-to-degree completion.

(4) Improving transfer pathways between the California Community Colleges, the University of California, and the university.

(5) Increasing predictability for the purposes of student and institutional planning.

(c) Commencing with the 2023–24 academic year, and each academic year through the 2025–26 academic year, the Trustees of the California State University shall offer a dual admissions program for first-time freshman applicants who meet the criteria described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (e). Under this program, first-time freshman applicants may be offered the opportunity to enter into a dual admissions agreement with the university. The agreement shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, all of the following:

(1) (A) A guarantee that the student will be admitted to a university campus during a future academic year if the student successfully completes an associate degree for transfer or another established course of study for transfer within two academic years at a California community college.

(B) The guarantee of admission shall be for a specific university campus selected by the student at the time of the agreement. If the student’s desired major or selected university campus is impacted or oversubscribed, the agreement may specify supplementary criteria for the student to meet, such as required attainment of a grade point average above the minimum defined in the general admission requirements. The university shall specify in the agreement any applicable supplementary criteria, including the specific grade point average that the student must attain in lower-division coursework. If the student plans to complete an associate degree for transfer, the supplementary criteria shall not alter the unit requirements applicable to the selected associate degree for transfer.

(2) For students who are eligible to have their fees waived pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 76300) of Chapter 2 of Part 47 of Division 7, or under the California College Promise pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 76396) of Chapter 2 of Part 47 of Division 7, a guarantee that the applicable campus of the California Community Colleges shall waive their fees while they are participating in the dual admissions program and enrolled at that campus.

(3) A guarantee that the student shall have access to library, counseling, and other services from the applicable university campus or the university campus nearest to the student’s primary residence, and the applicable California Community College to ensure that the student is informed of the appropriate course requirements to qualify for transfer to the university, and is also informed of the various financial aid options. California Community Colleges are requested to indicate on the student’s education plan developed pursuant to Section 78212 that the student is participating in the dual admissions program.

(d) To the extent feasible, the university is requested to provide each student who is offered the opportunity to enter into a dual admissions agreement with a provisional financial aid letter indicating the financial aid package the student may receive upon transfer to the university. The letter shall include federal, state, and institutional-based financial aid for which the student may qualify. If providing this information, the university shall clearly indicate that the financial aid package is subject to change based on updated financial information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act application, as applicable, and potential changes in rules governing the provision of federal, state, and institutional-based financial aid.

(e) (1) In evaluating applications for dual admissions, the university shall only consider applicants who meet all of the following criteria:

(A) The applicant is a first-time freshman applicant who will meet the university’s admissions eligibility criteria only upon completion of transfer requirements at a California community college.

(B) The applicant provides supporting information regarding the applicant’s inability to meet freshman admissions eligibility criteria due to limitations in the high school curriculum offered or personal or financial hardship. For purposes of this subparagraph, supporting information may include, but is not necessarily limited to, a letter from a counselor or administrator at the applicant’s high school.

(C) The applicant plans to complete either of the following:

(i) An associate degree for transfer at a California community college.

(ii) Another established course of study for transfer at a California community college.

(2) The university shall prioritize offers of dual admissions agreements for students who plan to complete an associate degree for transfer at a California community college.

(f) (1) On or before April 1, 2026, the university shall submit a progress report to the Department of Finance and the Legislature pursuant to Section 9795 of the Government Code. The report shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following information for each participating university campus:

(A) The number and names of community colleges that partner with the university campus on a dual admission program.

(B) A description of the support services the community college and university campus partners each are providing to dual admission students.

(C) The number of students who applied, were admitted, filed a statement of intent to register, and enrolled at each university campus pursuant to a dual admission program, disaggregated by freshman eligibility, community college of attendance, and the race, ethnicity, gender, and, as applicable, federal Pell Grant and AB 540 status of these students.

(D) For Fall 2023, 2024, and 2025, the breakdown of all transfer applicants, admits, students who submitted an intent to register, and students who enrolled by community college, race and ethnicity, gender, and Pell Grant or AB 540 status. The universities can satisfy this requirement through any existing public reporting, where applicable.

(2) The report to be submitted to the Legislature pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.

(g) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2027, and as of that date is repealed.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 144, Sec. 17. (AB 132) Effective July 27, 2021. Repealed as of January 1, 2027, by its own provisions.)