California Code
CHAPTER 2 - The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority and Governing Board
Section 64511.

64511. (a) (1) The executive board shall review and approve the regional expenditure plan required pursuant to paragraph (5) of subdivision (d) of Section 64650 and projects authorized by this chapter before review, approval, and allocation by the authority.

(2) (A) The executive board and the authority board shall form an advisory committee composed of nine representatives with knowledge and experience in the areas of affordable housing finance and development, tenant protection, and housing preservation. The advisory committee shall assist in the development of funding guidelines and the overall implementation of the program.

(B) Consistent with the provisions of this chapter, the advisory committee shall provide consultation and make recommendations to the executive board and the authority board. The advisory committee will meet as necessary to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.

(b) (1) A member of the authority board may receive a per diem for each board meeting that the member attends. The authority board shall set the amount of that per diem for a member’s attendance, but that amount shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100) per meeting. A member shall not receive a payment for more than two meetings in a calendar month.

(2) A member may waive a payment of per diem authorized by this subdivision.

(c) (1) Five years after the voters approve an initial ballot measure pursuant to Section 64521, the authority and the executive board shall review the implementation of the measure. The review shall include the following:

(A) An analysis of the expenditures to date.

(B) The number of affordable housing units produced and preserved at different household income levels.

(C) The tenant protection services provided, and the roles of the executive board and the authority.

(2) The executive board and the authority board may, upon mutual concurrence, as a part of the review described in this subdivision elect to transfer or delegate a responsibility authorized in this title to the executive board or the authority, as applicable, except for the provisions of Article 3 (commencing with Section 64630) of Chapter 2 of Part 2.

(d) (1) Members of the authority board are subject to Article 2.4 (commencing with Section 53234) of Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5.

(2) The authority shall be subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 54950) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5), the California Public Records Act (Division 10 (commencing with Section 7920.000) of Title 1), and the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Title 9 (commencing with Section 81000)).

(e) In addition to the requirements under subdivision (d), the authority shall engage in public participation processes, which shall include the following:

(1) Outreach efforts to encourage the active participation of a broad range of stakeholder groups in the planning process, including, but not limited to, affordable housing and homelessness advocates, nonprofit developers, neighborhood and community groups, environmental advocates, equity organizations, home builder representatives, and business organizations.

(2) Holding at least one public meeting regarding any relevant plan or proposals being considered by the authority. The authority shall hold any such meeting at a time and a location convenient for members of the public. The authority shall place each plan or proposal under consideration on a meeting agenda of the authority board for discussion at least 30 days before the authority board takes action.

(3) A process for enabling members of the public to provide a single request to receive authority notices, information, and updates.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 615, Sec. 213. (AB 474) Effective January 1, 2022. Operative January 1, 2023, pursuant to Sec. 463 of Stats. 2021, Ch. 615.)