California Code
DIVISION 5 - Affordable Housing Authorities
Section 62260.

62260. Within the area of the authority, an authority may:

(a) Purchase, lease, obtain an option upon, acquire by gift, grant, bequest, devise, or otherwise, any real or personal property, any interest in property, and any improvements on it, including repurchase of developed property previously owned by the authority. The authority shall obtain an appraisal from a qualified independent appraiser to determine the fair market value of property before the authority acquires or purchases real property.

(b) Accept, at the request of the legislative body of the community, a conveyance of real property, located either within or outside the plan area, owned by a public entity and declared surplus by the public entity, or owned by a private entity. The authority may dispose of that property to private persons or to public or private entities, by sale or long-term lease for development. All or any part of the funds derived from the sale or lease of that property may, at the discretion of the legislative body of the community, be paid to the community, or to the public entity from which any of that property was acquired.

(c) Sell, lease, grant, or donate real property owned or acquired by the authority in a plan area to a housing authority or to any public agency for public housing projects.

(d) Offer for resale property acquired by an authority for rehabilitation and resale within one year after completion of rehabilitation. Properties held by the authority in excess of a one-year period shall be listed in the authority’s annual report with information conveying the reasons that property remains unsold and indicating plans for its disposition.

(Added by Stats. 2017, Ch. 764, Sec. 1. (AB 1598) Effective January 1, 2018.)