California Code
CHAPTER 2 - Replacement and Location
Section 62120.5.

62120.5. (a) Not less than 30 days prior to the execution of an agreement for acquisition of real property, or the execution of an agreement for the disposition and development of property, or the execution of an owner participation agreement, which agreement would lead to the destruction or removal of dwelling units from the low- and moderate-income housing market, the authority shall adopt by resolution a replacement housing plan. Not less than 30 days prior to adopting a replacement housing plan by resolution, the authority shall make available a draft of the proposed replacement housing plan for review and comment by property owners and residents within the plan area, any persons who have requested notice of that replacement housing plan, other public agencies, and the general public.

The replacement housing plan shall include all of the following:

(1) A description of the housing to be destroyed or removed, including the address, parcel number, number and size of units, whether the units are occupied, and if so, the income categories of the occupants, if that information is available, whether the units are rental or ownership, the rent levels or sale price of the units, and if the units have existing affordable covenants, the nature and source of the subsidy and duration of the covenants.

(2) A description of the housing to be rehabilitated, developed, or constructed pursuant to Section 62120 to replace the units described in paragraph (1), including the general location of the replacement units, the number and size of the replacement units, the affordability levels of the replacement units, whether the replacement units will be rental or ownership, and duration of the affordability covenants applicable to the units.

(3) An analysis of the cost of producing the replacement units and a description of the source and adequacy of funds or financing, or both, available for the rehabilitation, development, or construction.

(4) A finding that the replacement housing does not require the approval of the voters pursuant to Article XXXIV of the California Constitution, or that such approval has been obtained.

(5) The timetable for meeting the plan’s relocation, rehabilitation, and replacement housing objectives. A dwelling unit whose replacement is required by Section 62120 but for which no replacement housing plan has been prepared, shall not be destroyed or removed from the low- and moderate-income housing market until the agency has by resolution adopted a replacement housing plan.

(b) Nothing in this section shall prevent an authority from destroying or removing from the low- and moderate-income housing market a dwelling unit which the authority owns and which is an immediate danger to health and safety. The authority shall, as soon as practicable, adopt by resolution a replacement housing plan with respect to that dwelling unit pursuant to this part.

(Added by Stats. 2015, Ch. 319, Sec. 2. (AB 2) Effective January 1, 2016.)