California Code
Section 597l.

597l. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person who operates a pet shop to fail to do all of the following:

(1) Maintain the facilities used for the keeping of pet animals in a sanitary condition.

(2) Provide proper heating and ventilation for the facilities used for the keeping of pet animals.

(3) Provide adequate nutrition for, and humane care and treatment of, all pet animals under his or her care and control.

(4) Take reasonable care to release for sale, trade, or adoption only those pet animals that are free of disease or injuries.

(5) Provide adequate space appropriate to the size, weight, and specie of pet animals.

(b) (1) Sellers of pet animals shall provide buyers of a pet animal with general written recommendations for the generally accepted care of the class of pet animal sold, including recommendations as to the housing, equipment, cleaning, environment, and feeding of the animal. This written information shall be in a form determined by the sellers of pet animals and may include references to Web sites, books, pamphlets, videos, and compact discs.

(2) If a seller of pet animals distributes material prepared by a third party, the seller shall not be liable for damages caused by any erroneous information in that material unless a reasonable person exercising ordinary care should have known of the error causing the damage.

(3) This subdivision shall apply to any private or public retail business that sells pet animals to the public and is required to possess a permit pursuant to Section 6066 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.

(4) Charges brought against a seller of pet animals for a first violation of the provisions of this subdivision shall be dismissed if the person charged produces in court satisfactory proof of compliance. A second or subsequent violation is an infraction punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250).

(c) As used in this section, the following terms have the following meanings:

(1) “Pet animals” means dogs, cats, monkeys and other primates, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, snakes, iguanas, turtles, and any other species of animal sold or retained for the purpose of being kept as a household pet.

(2) “Pet shop” means every place or premises where pet animals are kept for the purpose of either wholesale or retail sale. “Pet shop” does not include any place or premises where pet animals are occasionally sold.

(d) Any person who violates any provision of subdivision (a) is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 90 days, or by both that fine and imprisonment.

(Amended by Stats. 2003, Ch. 62, Sec. 228. Effective January 1, 2004.)

Structure California Code

California Code

Penal Code - PEN



Section 594.

Section 594.05.

Section 594.1.

Section 594.2.

Section 594.3.

Section 594.35.

Section 594.37.

Section 594.39.

Section 594.4.

Section 594.5.

Section 594.6.

Section 594.7.

Section 594.8.

Section 595.

Section 596.

Section 596.5.

Section 596.7.

Section 597.

Section 597.1.

Section 597.2.

Section 597.3.

Section 597.4.

Section 597.5.

Section 597.6.

Section 597.7.

Section 597.9.

Section 597a.

Section 597b.

Section 597c.

Section 597d.

Section 597e.

Section 597g.

Section 597h.

Section 597i.

Section 597j.

Section 597k.

Section 597l.

Section 597m.

Section 597n.

Section 597o.

Section 597p.

Section 597q.

Section 597r.

Section 597s.

Section 597t.

Section 597u.

Section 597v.

Section 597x.

Section 597y.

Section 597z.

Section 598.

Section 598.1.

Section 598a.

Section 598b.

Section 598c.

Section 598d.

Section 599.

Section 599a.

Section 599aa.

Section 599b.

Section 599c.

Section 599d.

Section 599e.

Section 599f.

Section 600.

Section 600.2.

Section 600.5.

Section 601.

Section 602.

Section 602.1.

Section 602.2.

Section 602.3.

Section 602.4.

Section 602.5.

Section 602.6.

Section 602.7.

Section 602.8.

Section 602.9.

Section 602.10.

Section 602.11.

Section 602.12.

Section 602.13.

Section 603.

Section 604.

Section 605.

Section 607.

Section 610.

Section 615.

Section 616.

Section 617.

Section 618.

Section 620.

Section 621.

Section 622.

Section 622½.

Section 623.

Section 624.

Section 625.

Section 625b.

Section 625c.