California Code
ARTICLE 15 - District Revolving Funds
Section 53954.

53954. (a) Before any money is withdrawn from the county treasury to be placed in the revolving fund of a special district, the officer for whose use the fund is created shall file with the governing body of the district and the auditor a bond executed by himself as principal and by an admitted surety insurer, in an amount equal to that of the revolving fund. The bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful administration of the fund and upon the willingness and ability of the principal to account for and pay over the fund upon demand of the governing board of the district at any time.

(b) In lieu of the bond provided for in subdivision (a) of this section, any officer of the district required by statute to furnish an official bond, and any district which purchases and maintains a blanket bond on all or certain of its employees in accordance with Section 1481, may cause such a bond or bonds to be issued or amended by endorsement to be conditioned, in addition to its other provisions, upon the faithful administration of the revolving fund and upon the willingness and ability of the principal or principals, for whose use such a fund or funds have been established, to account for and pay over the fund or funds upon demand of the governing board of the district at any time.

(Amended by Stats. 1996, Ch. 872, Sec. 61. Effective January 1, 1997.)