California Code
ARTICLE 7.6 - Temporary Borrowing
Section 53853.

53853. (a) The note or notes shall be issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the legislative body of the local agency authorizing the issuance of the note or notes, except that the note or notes of a county board of education, school district, charter school, or community college district that has not been accorded fiscal accountability status pursuant to Section 1080, 42647, 42650, or 85266 of the Education Code shall be issued in the name of the school district, charter school, or community college district by the board of supervisors of the county, the county superintendent of which has jurisdiction over the school district, charter school, or community college district, as soon as possible following receipt of a resolution of the governing board or body of the school district, charter school, or community college district requesting the borrowing and the note or notes of a county board of education shall be issued in the name of the county board of education by the board of supervisors of the county as soon as possible following receipt of a resolution of the county board of education requesting that the county assist in that borrowing. The school district, charter school, community college district, or county board of education that submits that resolution to the county board of supervisors shall simultaneously provide a copy of the resolution to the county superintendent of schools and the county treasurer.

(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), if the appropriate county board of supervisors fails to authorize, by resolution, the issuance of a note or notes in the name of a county board of education, school district, charter school, or community college district as specified by that subdivision within 45 calendar days following its receipt of the resolution of the county board of education, the governing board of the school district or community college district, or the governing body of the charter school requesting that issuance, or if the county board of supervisors notifies the county board of education, school district, charter school, or community college district that it will not authorize that issuance within that 45-day period, then the note or notes may be issued by the county board of education, school district, charter school, or community college district in its name pursuant to the previously adopted resolution. The resolution adopted by the governing board or body of the school district, charter school, or community college district, or by the county board of education, shall not contain direction to the county treasurer for the investment of any proceeds of the note or notes while deposited in the county treasury, but may direct the investment of proceeds of the note or notes held by a trustee and any other amounts held by that trustee or pledged for repayment or security of the note or notes. This subdivision applies only in the case of a note or notes of a county board of education, school district, charter school, or community college district to be issued in conjunction with a note or notes of one or more other county board of education, school district, charter school, or community college district. A county board of supervisors, county treasurer, or county auditor shall not be deemed to have any fiduciary responsibility with regard to any note or notes issued pursuant to this subdivision. This subdivision shall not apply to a county board of education, school district, charter school, or community college district that is under the authority of a trustee as a result of accepting an emergency apportionment.

(c) Notes authorized to be issued may be issued from time to time as provided in the resolution. The resolution of the county board of education, school district, charter school, or community college district shall set forth the form and the manner of execution of the note or notes.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 38, Sec. 74. (SB 1016) Effective June 27, 2012.)