California Code
CHAPTER 16.1 - Golden State Pathways Program
Section 53024.

53024. (a) As a condition of receiving a Golden State Pathways Program grant, a recipient shall:

(1) Not use Golden State Pathways Program grant funds to supplant state, federal, or any other public or private sources of funding that is otherwise, or would otherwise be, used to support the activities required of a Golden State Pathways Program grant recipient.

(2) Identify and set aside funding within its own budget or obtain funding commitments from program partners to fully sustain the ongoing operation of their Golden State Pathways Program and how other programs would be supported or integrated with, or that have been aligned with, a local educational agency’s Golden State Pathways Program.

(b) A grant recipient subject to the requirements of Sections 52060 and 52061, Sections 52066 and 52067, or Section 47606.5, as applicable, shall ensure that the activities supported by a Golden State Pathways Program grant are in alignment with the priorities and activities of the grant recipient’s local control and accountability plan.

(c) (1) A grant recipient shall annually collect and submit data, disaggregated by pupil subgroup, on outcome measures to the department, which shall include, but are not limited to, the quality indicators described in the California State Plan for Career Technical Education required by the federal Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V), and all of the following as applicable:

(A) Pupil academic performance indicators, including information disaggregated by pupil subgroups.

(B) The number and rate of school or program graduates by pupil subgroups.

(C) The rate of pupils completing the courses to meet the A–G course requirements needed to be eligible for admission to the University of California or the California State University at the participating schoolsite, disaggregated by pupils participating in a pathways program pursuant to this chapter and pupils not participating in a pathways program pursuant to this chapter.

(D) The number of postsecondary credits earned, internships and apprenticeships completed, and career technical education courses completed.

(E) Attainment of certificates, credentials, and degrees.

(F) Postsecondary enrollment, or pupils who meet the requirements to be considered a pupil who successfully transferred to a four-year university for purposes of Section 84750.4.

(G) Transitions to employment, apprenticeships, or job training in the industry sector educational pathway program offered by the participating local educational agency.

(H) The number of pupils completing career technical education coursework and the number of pupils completing a career technical education pathway consisting of a sequence of two or more career technical education courses in the same career technical education subject matter discipline.

(2) To the extent feasible, it is the intent of the Legislature that upon the implementation of the California Cradle-to-Career Data System established in Section 10860, the data required pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be integrated within the California Cradle-to-Career Data System.

(Added by Stats. 2022, Ch. 52, Sec. 88. (AB 181) Effective June 30, 2022.)