California Code
ARTICLE 3 - Local Assistance Grants
Section 5096.156.

5096.156. (a) All of the funds authorized in subdivision (a) of Section 5096.151 for local assistance grants shall be allocated among the counties on the basis of their populations as most recently projected by the Department of Finance for 1980.

(b) Each total county allocation of such funds shall be in the same ratio as the county’s population is to the state’s total population; provided, however, that each county shall be entitled to a minimum allocation of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000).

(c) Each county shall consult with all cities and districts within the county and shall develop and submit a priority plan for expenditure of the total county allocation to the state for approval. The priority plan shall consist of an apportionment of the total county allocation to the county, cities, and districts. The priority plan may include the names of individual projects under each jurisdiction and shall reflect consideration of deficiencies within the county in the preservation of historical resources and natural landscapes as well as in the provision of recreational areas and facilities. The priority plan shall be approved by at least 50 percent of the cities and districts representing 50 percent of the population of the cities and districts within the county, and by the county board of supervisors. Recognizing the fact that the boundaries of some cities and districts overlap, only the jurisdictions that will actually provide the facilities contemplated in the priority plan may participate in the approval process. In any county in which a regional park or open-space district is wholly or partially located, the priority plan shall reflect regional park or open-space needs as well as community and neighborhood park and recreation needs.

(d) The priority plan shall be submitted prior to January 1, 1982, to the Director of Parks and Recreation for approval. Failure to submit a priority plan by January 1, 1982, shall result in a 10 percent annual reduction of the total county allocation until the priority plan is submitted. By January 1, 1984, if the priority plan has not been submitted to the Director of Parks and Recreation, the county board of supervisors shall petition the Director of Parks and Recreation to distribute to high-priority projects the remaining 80 percent of the total county allocation. Any funds not allocated to a county shall remain in the fund and shall be expended in the manner provided in Section 5096.211. In addition, with the consent of all the cities and districts in the county, the county board of supervisors may reject all or part of the state grant moneys allocated to it pursuant to this section, and such moneys shall be expended in the manner provided in Section 5096.211.

(e) Local assistance grants made pursuant to this article for the acquisition of real property shall be on the basis of 75 percent state grants moneys and 25 percent local matching money for the project. Grants shall be matched only by money or property donated to be part of the acquisition project. The grant recipient shall certify to the Department of Parks and Recreation that there is available, or will become available prior to the commencement of any work on the project for which application for a grant has been made, matching money from a nonstate source. The certification of the source and amount of the funds shall be set forth in the application for a grant submitted to the department. Local matching money shall not be required with respect to a grant recipient that has urgent unmet needs for recreational lands and lacks the financial resources to acquire recreational lands, as determined pursuant to a formula set forth in regulations adopted by the Director of Parks and Recreation after a public hearing.

(f) Applications for individual projects may be submitted directly to the Director of Parks and Recreation by individual jurisdictions.

(Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 250, Sec. 1. Approved in Proposition 1 at the November 4, 1980, election. Operative December 1, 1980.)