California Code
ARTICLE 7 - Revenue Bonds
Section 50266.

50266. The district is a local agency within the meaning of the Revenue Bond Law of 1941 (Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 54300) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code). The term “enterprise” as used in the Revenue Bond Law of 1941 shall, for all purposes of this part, include transit facilities and any and all parts thereof and all additions, extensions and improvements thereto and all other facilities authorized to be acquired, constructed or completed by the district. A district may issue revenue bonds under the Revenue Bond Law of 1941, for any one or more facilities or enterprises authorized to be acquired, constructed, or completed by a district or, in the alternative, may issue revenue bonds under the Revenue Bond Law of 1941, for the acquisition, construction and completion of any one of such facilities. Nothing in this article shall prevent the district from availing itself of, or making use of, any procedure provided in this part for the issuance of bonds of any type or character for any of the facilities or works authorized hereunder, and all proceedings may be carried on simultaneously or, in the alternative, as the directors may determine.

(Added by Stats. 1963, Ch. 839.)