California Code
CHAPTER 8 - Family Homelessness Challenge Grants and Technical Assistance
Section 50258.

50258. (a) (1) The council shall make available an application for the first round of allocations no later than March 1, 2022.

(2) Applications shall be due to the council no later than 60 days from the date the council makes those applications available pursuant to paragraph (1).

(3) Initial award determinations shall be made no more than 60 days after the deadline to submit applications.

(b) Recipients of funds shall expend at least 50 percent of their first-round allocation by June 30, 2024.

(1) Recipients who fail to expend their allocated funds in compliance with this subdivision shall repay to the council no less than 25 percent of their total allocation amount. The repayment amount shall be determined by the council based on its evaluation of the circumstances behind the failure to expend the allocated funds in compliance with this section. The repaid funds shall be reallocated by the council during the second round of funding.

(2) Any funds not distributed in the first round of awards or repaid pursuant to paragraph (1), shall be allocated in the second round of funding.

(c) (1) The council shall make available an application for the second round of allocations no later than December 31, 2023.

(2) Applications shall be due to the council no later than 60 days from the date the council makes the application available pursuant to paragraph (1).

(3) Initial award determinations shall be made no more than 60 days after the deadline to submit applications.

(d) If, after the second round of awards pursuant to this section, not all funds have been awarded, the council may make additional awards or augment existing allocations until all funds have been allocated.

(e) All program funds shall be expended by June 30, 2026. Any funds that are not expended by this date shall revert to, and be paid and deposited in, the General Fund.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 111, Sec. 14. (AB 140) Effective July 19, 2021.)