California Code
ARTICLE 2.5 - Juvenile Court Schools
Section 48645.1.

48645.1. Public schools or classes in any juvenile hall, juvenile home, day center, juvenile ranch, juvenile camp, regional youth educational facility, or Orange County youth correctional center in existence and providing services prior to the effective date of the amendments to this section made by the Statutes of 1989, established in accordance with Article 23 (commencing with Section 850), Article 24 (commencing with Section 880), and Article 24.5 (commencing with Section 894) of Chapter 2 of Division 2, or Article 9 (commencing with Section 1850) of Chapter 1 of Division 2.5, of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or in any group home housing 25 or more children and operating one or more additional sites under a central administration, with acceptable school structures at one or more centrally located sites to serve the single or composite populations of juvenile court school pupils detained therein in accordance with the provisions of Section 362, 727, or 730 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, shall be known as juvenile court schools.

(Amended by Stats. 1989, Ch. 929, Sec. 2.)