California Code
CHAPTER 2 - Establishment of Charter Schools
Section 47605.1.

47605.1. (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other law, a charter school that is granted a charter from the governing board of a school district or county office of education after July 1, 2002, and commences providing educational services to pupils on or after July 1, 2002, shall locate in accordance with the geographic and site limitations of this part.

(2) Notwithstanding any other law, a charter school that is granted a charter by the state board after July 1, 2002, and commences providing educational services to pupils on or after July 1, 2002, based on the denial of a petition by the governing board of a school district or county board of education, as described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (j) of Section 47605, may locate only within the geographic boundaries of the chartering entity that initially denied the petition for the charter.

(3) A charter school that receives approval of its charter from a governing board of a school district, a county office of education, or the state board before July 1, 2002, but does not commence operations until after January 1, 2003, shall be subject to the geographic limitations of this part, in accordance with subdivision (d).

(b) This section is not intended to affect the admission requirements contained in subdivision (d) of Section 47605.

(c) (1) A charter school may establish one resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility within the jurisdiction of the school district where the charter school is physically located if the following conditions are met:

(A) The facility is used exclusively for the educational support of pupils who are enrolled in nonclassroom-based independent study of the charter school.

(B) The charter school provides its primary educational services in, and a majority of the pupils it serves are residents of, the county in which the charter school is authorized.

(2) Except as provided in paragraphs (5) to (9), inclusive, a charter school shall not establish a resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility in any other location than the one authorized in paragraph (1).

(3) A charter school shall notify the charter school’s chartering authority of the name and physical location of any resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility operated by that charter school.

(4) Notwithstanding Section 33050 or any other law, the state board shall not waive the restrictions listed in this subdivision.

(5) (A) A charter school that was operating a resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility outside the jurisdiction of the school district where the charter school is physically located before January 1, 2020, may continue to operate the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility until the charter school submits a request for the renewal of its charter petition. To continue operating the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility, the charter school, before submitting the request to the charter school’s chartering authority for the renewal of the charter petition, shall first obtain approval in writing from the school district where the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility is operating.

(B) The department shall regard as a continuing charter school for all purposes a nonclassroom-based charter school that was granted approval of its petition, that was providing educational services to pupils before October 1, 2019, and is authorized by a different chartering authority due to changes to this subdivision by the addition of this paragraph that took effect January 1, 2020.

(6) A countywide charter school approved by a county office of education that is operating a resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility in a county other than the county in which the countywide charter school is authorized before January 1, 2020, may continue to operate that resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility until the countywide charter school submits a request for the renewal of its charter petition. To continue operating the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility, the countywide charter school, before submitting the request to the countywide charter school’s chartering authority for the renewal of the charter petition, shall obtain approval in writing from the county office of education where the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility is operating.

(7) If a Presidential declaration of a major disaster or emergency is issued in accordance with the federal Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 5121 et seq.) for an area in which a charter school is operating a resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility, the charter school, for not more than five years, may relocate the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility outside the area subject to the Presidential declaration if the charter school first obtains the written approval of the school district where the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility is being relocated to.

(8) A charter school may establish additional resource centers, meetings spaces, or other satellite facilities within the jurisdiction of the charter school’s chartering authority only if both of the following are met:

(A) The charter school is physically located within the boundaries of the charter school’s chartering authority.

(B) The charter school has obtained written approval from the charter school’s chartering authority for each additional resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility.

(9) (A) Notwithstanding paragraph (5), a charter school that operates a resource center located in a school district outside of the boundaries of the charter school’s authorizing school district may continue to operate the existing resource center if all of the following conditions are met:

(i) The charter school operating the resource center is authorized by, and physically located in, a school district adjacent to a school district with an enrollment of at least 500,000 pupils.

(ii) The charter school operating the resource center was established before January 1, 2009.

(iii) The resource center is physically located in a school district with an enrollment of at least 500,000 pupils and was established before January 1, 2011.

(iv) The resource center serves a pupil population of which at least 50 percent of the pupils are currently or formerly on probation or were formerly incarcerated individuals.

(B) A charter school described in this paragraph shall not establish a new resource center outside of the boundaries of the charter school’s authorizing school district.

(d) (1) For a charter school that was granted approval of its charter before July 1, 2002, and provided educational services to pupils before July 1, 2002, this section only applies to new educational services or schoolsites established or acquired by the charter school on or after July 1, 2002.

(2) For a charter school that was granted approval of its charter before July 1, 2002, but did not provide educational services to pupils before July 1, 2002, this section only applies upon the expiration of a charter that is in existence on January 1, 2003.

(3) Notwithstanding other implementation timelines in this section, by June 30, 2005, or upon the expiration of a charter that is in existence on January 1, 2003, whichever is later, all charter schools shall be required to comply with this section for schoolsites at which educational services are provided to pupils before or after July 1, 2002, regardless of whether the charter school initially received approval of its charter school petition before July 1, 2002. To achieve compliance with this section, a charter school shall be required to receive approval of a charter petition in accordance with this section and Section 47605.

(4) This section is not intended to affect the authority of a governmental entity to revoke a charter that is granted on or before the effective date of this section.

(e) A charter school that submits its petition directly to a county board of education, as authorized by Section 47605.5 or 47605.6, may establish charter school operations only within the geographical boundaries of the county in which that county board of education has jurisdiction.

(f) Notwithstanding any other law, the jurisdictional limitations set forth in this section do not apply to a charter school that provides instruction exclusively in partnership with any of the following:

(1) The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. Sec. 3101 et seq.).

(2) Federally affiliated Youth Build programs.

(3) Federal job corps training or instruction provided pursuant to a memorandum of understanding with the federal provider.

(4) The California Conservation Corps or local conservation corps certified by the California Conservation Corps pursuant to Sections 14507.5 or 14406 of the Public Resources Code.

(5) Instruction provided to juvenile court school pupils pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 42238.18 or pursuant to Section 1981 for individuals who are placed in a residential facility.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 370, Sec. 68. (SB 1371) Effective January 1, 2021.)