4691.5. The ratesetting methodology, to be established pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 4691 shall include, but need not be limited to, all of the following:
(a) A process for establishing rates during fiscal year 1990–91 for new programs and existing programs receiving a provisional or permanent rate.
(1) The rate for new programs shall be the mean rate determined for the same type of day program and staff-to-client ratio. This rate shall be a temporary rate. Determination of the mean rate for new programs shall be based on the program, cost, and other information of existing programs receiving a permanent rate, using allowable costs and client attendance information of those existing programs. In order to establish rates pursuant to this paragraph existing programs receiving a permanent rate shall submit to the department, the program, cost, and other information specified by the department for either calendar year 1988 or fiscal year 1988–89. The specified information shall be submitted on forms developed by the department, not later than 45 days following receipt of the required forms from the department, after the effective date of this section. Programs which fail to submit the required information within the time specified shall have payment of their permanent rate suspended until the required information has been submitted.
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (4) the rate for existing programs receiving a provisional rate, whose rate would otherwise expire during fiscal year 1990–91, shall be extended at the provisional rate until September 1, 1991.
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (4) below, the rate for existing programs receiving a permanent rate shall be reestablished at the permanent rate until June 30, 1991.
(4) The rate for existing programs receiving a provisional or permanent rate as specified in paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) shall be increased for all programs eligible for the increase. Eligible programs shall include only those programs which received a deficiency adjustment in their permanent or provisional rate for fiscal year 1989–90, based on calendar year 1988 program and cost information submitted to the department, pursuant to the stipulated order in the case of California Association of Rehabilitation Facilities et al. v. State of California, Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 355326, and the adjustment was insufficient to fund the entire deficiency. The amount of funds available for the increase is limited to the one million dollars ($1,000,000) appropriated for that purpose for fiscal year 1990–91, and it shall be distributed proportionately among all eligible programs. The amount of increase which each eligible program shall receive toward its remaining deficiency, based on calendar year 1988 program and cost information, shall be equal to the percentage that one million dollars ($1,000,000) represents of the total deficiency, based on calendar year 1988 program and cost information, for all eligible programs.
(b) A process for establishing rates during fiscal year 1991–92 for new programs and existing programs receiving a temporary, provisional, or permanent rate.
(1) The rate for existing programs receiving a permanent rate, shall be determined based on fiscal year 1989–90 program, cost, and other information submitted to the department and regional center. The ratesetting process shall include, but shall not be limited to, all of the following:
(A) A process for determination of a mean rate and an allowable range of rates for the same type of day program and staff-to-client ratio. The mean rate shall be determined using those programs’ allowable costs and client attendance and the allowable range of rates shall be defined as the rates of those programs included between the 10th and 90th percentiles.
(B) The rates for existing programs receiving a permanent rate shall be increased or decreased to their allowable costs for fiscal year 1991–92, as follows:
(i) The rate shall be decreased if the program’s allowable costs and client attendance, for fiscal year 1989–90, determined pursuant to the regulations, would result in a rate that is lower than its existing permanent rate.
(ii) The rate shall be increased if the program’s allowable costs and client attendance for fiscal year 1989–90, determined pursuant to the regulations, would result in a rate that is higher than its existing permanent rate and its existing permanent rate is below or within the allowable range of rates.
(iii) No rate increase shall be provided that would result in the rate exceeding the allowable range of rates. No increase shall be provided for programs whose existing permanent rate is above the allowable range of rates. The amount of funds appropriated for that purpose for fiscal year 1991–92 shall be distributed only to those programs eligible for the increase.
(C) A process for the reduction or increase in the rate of any program whose existing permanent rate is not within the allowable range of rates. This process shall be based upon all of the following:
(i) For programs whose existing permanent rates are above the allowable range of rates, their existing permanent rate shall be reduced by 5 percent or to the allowable range, whichever is less.
(ii) For programs whose existing permanent rates are below the allowable range of rates, after the increase specified in clause (ii) of subparagraph (B) their rate shall be increased, up to the allowable range, in proportion to the amount of funds obtained from reducing the rate of programs whose rates are above the range.
(2) The rate for new programs shall be the mean rate determined pursuant to the process in paragraph (1) for the same type of day program and staff-to-client ratio using the program, cost, and other information submitted by providers receiving a permanent rate.
(3) The rate for existing programs receiving a provisional rate, whose rate expired during fiscal year 1990–91 and was extended until September 1, 1991, shall be determined pursuant to the process specified in paragraph (1) for permanent rates, except that the determination shall be based upon 12 consecutive months of representative costs incurred by the program during the period it was receiving its provisional rate. The program shall submit these costs and other program information, designated by the department, to the department within the time frames specified in the regulations. If the program has not incurred or cannot provide 12 consecutive months of representative costs, the department may determine the rate based on less than 12 consecutive months of representative costs.
(4) The rate for existing programs receiving a provisional rate, whose rate will expire in July or August of 1991, shall be extended until September 1, 1991, and then determined pursuant to the process specified in paragraph (3).
(c) A process for establishing rates during fiscal year 1992–93 for new programs and existing programs receiving a temporary or permanent rate:
(1) The rate for new programs shall be the mean rate, determined pursuant to the process in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) for fiscal year 1991–92, for the same type of day program and staff-to-client ratio.
(2) The rate for existing programs receiving a temporary rate shall be continued at the rate established for fiscal year 1991–92, until the rate expires or a permanent rate is established pursuant to the process in paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) for fiscal year 1991–92.
(3) The rate for existing programs receiving a permanent rate shall be reestablished at the rate established for fiscal year 1991–92, except for programs whose rates are not within the allowable range of rates. For those programs whose rates are not within the allowable range, their rates shall be reduced or increased pursuant to the process in subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) for fiscal year 1991–92.
(d) A process for establishing rates during fiscal year 1993–94 for new programs and existing programs receiving a temporary or permanent rate:
(1) The rate for existing programs receiving a permanent rate shall be determined based on fiscal year 1991–92 program, cost, and other information submitted to the department and regional center. The ratesetting process shall include the process specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) for fiscal year 1991–92, except that the allowable range of rates shall be determined by computing 50 percent of the mean rate for fiscal year 1993–94 and converting that amount into a range of rates, distributed equally above and below the mean. This process shall compare the range of rates computed for fiscal year 1993–94 with the range of rates calculated for fiscal year 1991–92 based on 80 percent of the programs, and shall use the lesser of the two ranges in the comparison as the allowable range of rates. Once established, this range shall be permanent.
(2) The rate for new programs shall be the mean rate determined pursuant to the process in paragraph (1) for the same type of day program and staff-to-client ratio using the program, cost, and other information submitted by providers receiving a permanent rate.
(3) The rate for existing programs receiving a temporary rate shall be continued at the established rate until the program has incurred 12 consecutive months of representative costs within the timeframes specified in the regulations. Once the representative costs have been incurred, the rate shall be determined pursuant to the process specified in paragraph (1) for permanent rates.
(e) A process for establishing rates, during fiscal year 1994–95 and each alternative fiscal year thereafter, for new programs and existing programs receiving a temporary or permanent rate. The process shall be the same as that specified in subdivision (c) for determining, continuing, and reestablishing rates, but shall be based on the program, cost, and other information submitted to the department and regional center for establishment of rates for fiscal year 1993–94 and each alternative fiscal year thereafter, except for the following:
(1) For the 1998–99 fiscal year, the rates for existing community-based day programs receiving a permanent rate shall be increased if the program’s allowable costs and client attendance, for the 1995–96 fiscal year, determined pursuant to the regulations, would result in a rate that is higher than its existing permanent rate and its existing permanent rate is below or within the allowable range of rates. The rate shall not be decreased if the program’s allowable costs and client attendance for the 1995–96 fiscal year, determined pursuant to the regulations, would result in a rate that is lower than its existing permanent rate.
(2) For the 1998–99 fiscal year, existing community-based day programs receiving a permanent rate, and whose permanent rate is still below the lower limit of the allowable range of rates for like programs after receiving an increase pursuant to paragraph (1), shall receive an increase in their permanent rate up to the lower limit of the allowable range of rates.
(3) The requirements of subdivision (c) of Section 4691, which specify that any rate increases shall be subject to the appropriation of sufficient funds in the Budget Act, shall also apply to rates governed by paragraphs (1) and (2).
(f) A process for establishing rates, during fiscal year 1995–96 and each alternative fiscal year thereafter, for new programs and existing programs receiving a temporary or permanent rate. The process shall be the same as that specified in subdivision (d) except for the following:
(1) The rate for programs receiving a permanent rate shall be based on program, cost, and other information submitted to the department and regional center for fiscal year 1993–94 and each alternative fiscal year thereafter.
(2) The allowable range of rates, permanently established during fiscal year 1993–94, shall be applied to the mean rate determined for fiscal year 1995–96 and each alternative fiscal year thereafter.
(3) Existing programs receiving a permanent rate whose rates are not within the allowable range of rates shall, by September 1, 1995, have their rates reduced or increased as follows:
(A) For programs whose existing permanent rates are above the allowable range of rates, their rate shall be reduced to the allowable range.
(B) For programs whose existing rates are below the allowable range of rates, their rate shall be increased up to the allowable range in proportion to the amount of funds obtained from reducing the rate of programs whose rates are above the range.
(g) A process for establishing a uniform supplemental rate of reimbursement for programs serving nonambulatory clients, as determined by the department.
(h) A process for notifying the program of the established rate.
(Amended by Stats. 1998, Ch. 310, Sec. 44. Effective August 19, 1998.)