450. In addition to the qualifications provided in the respective chapters of this code, a public member or a lay member of any board shall not be, nor shall they have been within the period of five years immediately preceding their appointment, any of the following:
(a) An employer, or an officer, director, or substantially full-time representative of an employer or group of employers, of any licensee of a board, except that this subdivision shall not preclude the appointment of a person who maintains infrequent employer status with a licensee, or maintains a client, patient, or customer relationship with a licensee that does not constitute more than 2 percent of the practice or business of the licensee.
(b) A person maintaining a contractual relationship with a licensee of a board that would constitute more than 2 percent of the practice or business of the licensee, or an officer, director, or substantially full-time representative of that person or group of persons.
(c) An employee of a licensee of a board, or a representative of the employee, except that this subdivision shall not preclude the appointment of a person who maintains an infrequent employee relationship or renders professional or related services to a licensee if the employment or service does not constitute more than 2 percent of the employment or practice of the member of the board.
(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 351, Sec. 48. (AB 496) Effective January 1, 2020.)