California Code
CHAPTER 1 - Jurisdiction and General Government
Section 4474.4.

4474.4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the Secretary of California Health and Human Services shall verify that the State Department of Developmental Services and the State Department of Health Care Services have established protocols in place between the departments, as well as with the regional centers and health care plans participating in the Medi-Cal program who will be providing services, including health, dental, and vision care, to people with developmental disabilities transitioning from Agnews Developmental Center and Lanterman Developmental Center.

The Secretary of California Health and Human Services shall provide written verification of the establishment of these protocols to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, as well as to the fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature that oversee health and human services programs.

The purpose of the protocols is to ensure that a mutual goal of providing appropriate, high-quality care and services to children and adults who have developmental disabilities in order to optimize the health and welfare of each individual. Further, the purpose of the protocols is to ensure that all involved parties, including consumers and families, the state, regional centers, and providers, are clear as to their roles and responsibilities, and are appropriately accountable for optimizing the health and welfare of each individual.

The protocols, at a minimum, shall address enrollment for services, all referral practices, including those to specialty care, authorization practices for services of all involved parties, coordination of case management services, education and training services to be provided, the management of medical records, and provider reimbursement methods. These protocols shall be provided to the consumers and their families, and be made available to the public upon request.

(Amended by Stats. 2010, Ch. 717, Sec. 120. (SB 853) Effective October 19, 2010.)