California Code
CHAPTER 1 - In-Person Instruction and Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants
Section 43520.5.

43520.5. For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:

(a) “Disengaged pupil” means a pupil identified for tiered reengagement strategies pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (f) of Section 43504.

(b) “Eligible for free or reduced-price meals” has the same meaning as in Section 42238.01.

(c) “English learner” has the same meaning as in Section 42238.01.

(d) “Foster youth” has the same meaning as in Section 42238.01.

(e) “Homeless pupil” means a pupil who meets the definition of “homeless children and youths” in subsection (2) of Section 725 of the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11434a(2)).

(f) (1) “In-person instruction” means instruction under the immediate physical supervision and control of a certificated employee of the local educational agency while engaged in educational activities required of the pupil.

(2) In-person instruction may include hybrid models offering fewer than five days per week of in-person instruction, as described in paragraph (1), only if the local educational agency offers in-person instruction to the greatest extent possible pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 43504.

(g) “Individual with exceptional needs” has the same meaning as in Section 56026.

(h) “Local educational agency” means a school district, county office of education, or charter school.

(i) “Pupils at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation” means pupils who are so identified in a written referral from a legal, medical, or social service agency, or emergency shelter.

(j) “Supplemental instruction” means the instructional programs provided in addition to and complementary to the regular instructional programs, including services provided pursuant to an individualized education program, offered or provided by a local educational agency.

(k) “Support” means interventions provided as a supplement to those regularly provided, including services provided pursuant to an individualized education program, that are designed to meet pupils’ needs for behavioral, social, emotional, and other integrated pupil supports, in order to enable pupils to engage in and benefit from the supplemental instruction provided pursuant to this chapter.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 10, Sec. 2. (AB 86) Effective March 5, 2021. Inoperative June 30, 2025. Repealed as of January 1, 2026, pursuant to Section 43525.)