California Code
CHAPTER 3 - Mountainous, Forest-, Brush- and Grass-Covered Lands
Section 4296.5.

4296.5. (a) Any person or corporation operating a railroad on forest, brush, or grass-covered land shall, if ordered by the director or the agency having primary responsibility for fire protection of the area, destroy, remove, or modify so as not to be flammable any vegetation or other flammable material defined by regulation of the director to be a fire hazard on the railroad right-of-way. The director shall adopt regulations establishing fire prevention hazard reduction standards for broad geographic areas by fuel type, slope, and potential for ignition from hot or flaming exhaust, carbon particles, hot metal, burning signal devices, burning tobacco, and other similar potential sources of ignition.

(b) The order to destroy, remove, or modify vegetation or other flammable material shall specify the location of the hazard to be destroyed, removed, or modified within the right-of-way, the width of the hazard which shall not exceed the width of the right-of-way, and the time within which compliance with the order is required.

(c) The director or the agency having primary responsibility for fire protection of the area shall allow a reasonable period of time for compliance with an order to destroy, remove, or modify vegetation or other flammable material.

(Added by Stats. 1978, Ch. 698.)