3797. The notice of agreement shall state:
(a) A description of the property substantially as described in the agreement.
(b) The name of the last assessee of the property. To ascertain the name of the last assessee of the tax-defaulted property an examination shall be made of the assessment of this property on the last equalized roll, or if this property does not appear thereon, the last previous roll on which it was assessed.
(c) That an agreement for the sale of the property or for an option to purchase it, or both, as the case may be, has been made by the board of supervisors of the county with the taxing agency or nonprofit organization named in the agreement and has been approved by the Controller.
(d) That a copy of the agreement is on file in the office of the board of supervisors.
(e) If the right to redeem the property has not already been terminated, there shall also be a statement that unless the property is redeemed before the agreement becomes effective, the right of redemption will cease.
(f) The date and time that the agreement will become effective.
(g) That parties of interest, as defined in Section 4675, have the right to file a claim with the county for any proceeds received by the tax collector under the agreement which are in excess of the liens and costs required to be paid from the proceeds.
(h) If excess proceeds result from the agreement, notice will be given to parties of interest pursuant to law.
(Amended by Stats. 1984, Ch. 988, Sec. 66. Effective September 11, 1984.)