California Code
CHAPTER 2 - Creation of the Open-Space Authority
Section 35122.

35122. Notwithstanding Section 35120, after the establishment of the authority’s boundaries, the boundaries of the authority may be altered by the annexation of contiguous territory, in the unincorporated area of a neighboring county, pursuant to the annexation process in the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganizing Act of 2000 (Division 3 (commencing with Section 56000) of Title 5 of the Government Code). The board of supervisors of the neighboring county shall pass a resolution stating its intent to be included within the authority’s jurisdiction before any territory in that county may be annexed to the authority.

(Added by Stats. 2015, Ch. 99, Sec. 6. (SB 422) Effective January 1, 2016.)