California Code
ARTICLE 4 - Powers and Duties of Housing Authorities
Section 34315.7.

34315.7. Real property owned by an authority which the authority determines is not required for its foreseeable needs and which is not transferred pursuant to Section 34315.5, shall be disposed of for the following purposes, in descending order of priority:

(a)  For the purposes, and in accordance with the provisions, of Article 10 (commencing with Section 50568) of Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code.

(b)  To public, nonprofit, or private developers for development of housing for persons and families of low and moderate income, as defined by Section 50093. Such transfers may not be made at a cost below the housing authority’s acquisition cost but may be made at a cost below market value if (1) not less than 30 percent of the housing units to be developed will be enforceably restricted for occupancy by persons and families of low and moderate income, with at least 50 percent of the housing units restricted to persons and families of low income, and (2) a transfer at below market value is necessary to assure that the housing units restricted for occupancy by persons and families of low or moderate income will be provided at affordable housing cost, as defined by Section 50052.5.

(c)  To private developers, generally, at market value for development of housing.

(d)  For any purpose, where the sale is at public auction to the highest bidder.

The Department of Housing and Community Development shall adopt regulations governing disposal of surplus real property of housing authorities pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c). The regulations shall include requirements for providing public notice of a housing authority’s intent to dispose of real property in accordance with this section and shall also specify other reasonable requirements to implement the priorities established by this section.

The deed or other instrument of conveyance shall recite that the authority has determined the property is not required for its foreseeable needs and it is being disposed of pursuant to this section and, if the property is disposed of pursuant to subdivision (b) or (c), in accordance with regulations adopted by the Department of Housing and Community Development. Such recital shall be conclusive in favor of purchasers and encumbrancers for value.

Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall not invalidate any right, title or interest acquired by a purchaser or encumbrancer for value.

(Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 581.)