California Code
CHAPTER 3 - Open-Space Protection Program
Section 33700.

33700. (a) As used in this chapter, “mountainous lands” means all lands, irrespective of their angle of slope or other natural or manmade terrain features, within the territory of the conservancy that lie above the floor of the Coachella Valley, if there is no alluvial fan, or that lie above any alluvial fan extending onto the valley floor, as more specifically set forth in that certain map entitled “Coachella Valley Mountainous Lands Map” and dated ____ __, 1999, and placed on file with the Secretary of State, which map is hereby incorporated in this subdivision by this reference. The map described in this subdivision may be combined with, and made a part of, the map described in Section 33502.

(b) The governing board of the conservancy may adjust the boundary delineating mountainous lands within the conservancy’s territory, but not by more than 100 yards from the boundary mapped as specified in subdivision (a), to avoid bisecting any single lot or parcel in existence on January 1, 1991, or to conform the boundary to more readily identifiable natural or manmade features in existence on January 1, 1991, if the adjustment will not jeopardize any of the resource values specified in Section 33500. Any adjustment in the boundary shall be reflected in a revision to the map specified in subdivision (a), which revision shall be promptly filed with the Secretary of State.

(c) In the event of any inconsistency between the definition of “mountainous lands,” as set forth in this section, and the map described in this section, the definition shall control.

(d) As used in this chapter, “natural community conservation lands” means all lands within the territory of the conservancy, the preservation of which is necessary to implement a natural community conservation plan that has been approved by the Department of Fish and Game pursuant to Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 2800) of Division 3 of the Fish and Game Code.

(Amended by Stats. 1999, Ch. 419, Sec. 6. Effective January 1, 2000.)