California Code
CHAPTER 3 - Operation of the Fund
Section 3292.

3292. (a) If, no later than July 27, 2019, each large electrical corporation not subject to an insolvency proceeding on July 12, 2019, notifies the commission of its commitment to provide the initial contribution and the annual contributions, and subsequently provides its initial contribution as set forth in paragraph (3) of subdivision (b), the fund shall be established to pay eligible claims as set forth in subdivision (f) and obtain reimbursement from electrical corporations as set forth in subdivision (h).

(b) Except as provided in subdivision (d), to participate in the fund established pursuant to subdivision (a), an electrical corporation shall satisfy the following conditions by no later than June 30, 2020:

(1) The electrical corporation is not, and has not been since July 12, 2019, the subject of an insolvency proceeding or on criminal probation unless the electrical corporation meets the following conditions:

(A) The electrical corporation’s insolvency proceeding has been resolved pursuant to a plan or similar document not subject to a stay.

(B) The bankruptcy court or a court of competent jurisdiction, in the insolvency proceeding, has determined that the resolution of the insolvency proceeding provides funding or establishes reserves for, provides for assumption of, or otherwise provides for satisfying any prepetition wildfire claims asserted against the electrical corporation in the insolvency proceeding in the amounts agreed upon in any pre-insolvency proceeding settlement agreements or any post-insolvency settlement agreements, authorized by the court through an estimation process or otherwise allowed by the court.

(C) The commission has approved the reorganization plan and other documents resolving the insolvency proceeding, including the electrical corporation’s resulting governance structure as being acceptable in light of the electrical corporation’s safety history, criminal probation, recent financial condition, and other factors deemed relevant by the commission.

(D) The commission has determined that the reorganization plan and other documents resolving the insolvency proceeding are (i) consistent with the state’s climate goals as required pursuant to the California Renewables Portfolio Standard Program and related procurement requirements of the state and (ii) neutral, on average, to the ratepayers of the electrical corporation.

(E) The commission has determined that the reorganization plan and other documents resolving the insolvency proceeding recognize the contributions of ratepayers, if any, and compensate them accordingly through mechanisms approved by the commission, which may include sharing of value appreciation.

(2) For a regional electrical corporation, it has voluntarily established a charge required by the commission pursuant to Section 3289. This charge shall be included on monthly bills for customers. Collections on that charge shall be remitted, on a monthly basis, to the administrator for deposit into the fund.

(3) Except as provided in subdivision (e), the electrical corporation has provided its initial contribution to the fund no later than September 10, 2019. Initial contributions shall not be recovered from the ratepayers of an electrical corporation, except Golden State Energy.

(c) Each participating electrical corporation shall make its annual contribution by January 1 of each calendar year, including, without limitation, any annual contributions for calendar years in which the electrical corporation, or another electrical corporation to which the electrical corporation is the successor, was not a participating electrical corporation. Annual contributions shall not be recovered from the ratepayers of an electrical corporation, except Golden State Energy.

(d) (1) The administrator may, and in the case of Golden State Energy shall, authorize an electrical corporation that is formed after July 12, 2019, to participate in the fund if the administrator determines that the electrical corporation meets the requirements of this section. Authorization of an electrical corporation that is formed after July 12, 2019, shall be effective as of a date determined by the administrator and shall apply to covered wildfires after the date of authorization.

(2) If Golden State Energy is the successor to Pacific Gas and Electric Company and Pacific Gas and Electric Company made its initial contribution and, if applicable, annual contributions to the fund, the administrator shall not require Golden State Energy to commit to making, or make, its own initial contribution, or annual contributions for a period for which Pacific Gas and Electric Company already made its annual contributions, in order to participate in the fund and the administrator shall authorize Golden State Energy to participate in the fund if Golden State Energy, within 15 days of closing of the acquisition of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, notifies the commission of its commitment to make annual contributions to the fund.

(e) An electrical corporation that is the subject of an insolvency proceeding on July 12, 2019, that wishes to participate in the fund shall (1) no later than July 27, 2019, provide written notification to the commission of its election to participate in the fund, and (2) no later than September 10, 2019, obtain approval from the bankruptcy court or a court of competent jurisdiction of its determination to pay, and approval of its payment of, the initial contribution and, as they become due, annual contributions to the fund, provided that the contributions shall not be due to the fund until the date the electrical corporation exits the insolvency proceeding. The electrical corporation shall not be entitled to seek payments from the fund pursuant to subdivision (f) until it has funded its initial contribution and has met the other conditions provided in subdivision (b). Participation of an electrical corporation that is the subject of an insolvency proceeding that satisfies the requirements of this subdivision shall be effective as of July 12, 2019, and shall apply to covered wildfires, provided that the fund shall not pay more than 40 percent of the allowed amount of a claim arising between July 12, 2019, and the date the electrical corporation exits bankruptcy, with the balance of those claims being addressed through the insolvency proceeding.

(f) (1) An electrical corporation meeting the applicable requirements of subdivision (b) may seek payment from the fund to satisfy settled or finally adjudicated eligible claims. Only eligible claims shall be made against or paid by the fund. In accordance with the procedures established by the administrator, the administrator shall review and approve any settlement of an eligible claim as being in the reasonable business judgment of the electrical corporation before releasing funds to the electrical corporation for payment. Settlements of subrogation claims that are less than or equal to 40 percent of total asserted claim value as determined by the administrator shall be paid unless the administrator finds that the exceptional facts and circumstances surrounding the underlying claim do not justify the electrical corporation’s exercise of such business judgment. To the extent approved by the administrator, a settlement shall not be subject to further review by the commission.

(2) The administrator shall approve a settlement of an eligible claim that is a subrogation claim if the settlement exceeds 40 percent of the total asserted claim value, as determined by the administrator, and includes a full release of the balance of the asserted claim so long as the administrator finds that the electrical corporation exercised its reasonable business judgment in determining to settle for a higher percentage or on different terms based on a determination that the specific facts and circumstances surrounding the underlying claim justify a higher settlement percentage or different terms. A subrogation claim that is finally adjudicated shall be paid in the full judgment amount.

(g) Except for Golden State Energy, all initial and annual contributions shall be excluded from the measurement of the authorized capital structure.

(h) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), within six months after the commission adopts a decision in an application filed pursuant to Section 1701.8, the electrical corporation shall reimburse the fund for the full amount of costs and expenses the commission determined were disallowed pursuant to Section 1701.8.

(2) (A) The obligation of an electrical corporation to reimburse the fund shall be the lesser amount of subparagraph (B) or (C).

(B) The costs and expenses determined not to be just and reasonable pursuant to Section 1701.8.

(C) The amount determined pursuant to clause (i) minus the amount determined pursuant to clause (ii).

(i) (I) Except as specified in subclause (II), for each electrical corporation, 20 percent of the electrical corporation’s total transmission and distribution equity rate base, including, but not limited to, its Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) assets, as determined by the administrator for the calendar year in which the disallowance occurred.

(II) For Golden State Energy’s first twelve months of participation in the fund, an amount equal to 20 percent of Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s total transmission and distribution equity rate base, including, but not limited to, its Federal Energy Regulatory Commission assets, at the time of the closing of the acquisition of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, as determined by the commission. For Golden State Energy’s subsequent years of participation in the fund, an amount determined by the commission that is equivalent to the amount specified in subclause (I) for electrical corporations with an equity rate base.

(ii) The sum of (I) the amounts actually reimbursed to the fund for costs and expenses that were determined not to be just and reasonable pursuant to Section 1701.8 during the measurement period, added to (II) the amount of any reimbursements to the fund owed by the electrical corporation for costs and expenses disallowed during the measurement period that have not yet been paid.

(iii) For purposes of this subparagraph, “measurement period” means the period of three consecutive calendar years ending on December 31 of the year in which the calculation is being performed.

(D) The administrator shall publish calculations of the amounts determined pursuant to subparagraphs (B) and (C) on or before January 1 of each calendar year for each electrical corporation.

(E) Except as provided in paragraph (3), the electrical corporation shall not be required to reimburse the fund for any additional amounts in any three-calendar-year period.

(F) The limitation set forth in this section shall apply only so long as the fund has not been terminated pursuant to subdivision (i).

(3) Paragraph (2) does not apply under either of the following circumstances:

(A) If the administrator determines that the electrical corporation’s actions or inactions that resulted in the covered wildfire constituted conscious or willful disregard of the rights and safety of others.

(B) If the electrical corporation failed to maintain a valid safety certification on the date of the ignition.

(i) (1) The administrator shall, to the extent practicable, manage the fund to prioritize the use of electrical corporation contributions before the use of ratepayer contributions.

(2) The fund shall terminate when the administrator determines that the fund resources are exhausted, taking into account the amount of any unpaid liabilities including necessary reserves, any remaining unpaid annual contributions from participating electrical corporations, and the charges authorized pursuant to Section 3289. Upon the determination of the administrator that the fund shall be terminated, the administrator shall pay all remaining eligible claims and fund expenses, and liquidate any remaining assets. The remaining funds shall be transferred to the General Fund. It is the intent of the Legislature that any funds transferred to the General Fund pursuant to this paragraph shall be appropriated to support wildfire mitigation.

(j) Notwithstanding subdivision (f), a regional electrical corporation’s access to the fund to pay eligible claims shall be limited to three times the sum of the regional electrical corporation’s initial contribution and any funded annual contributions per covered wildfire.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 27, Sec. 11. (SB 350) Effective January 1, 2021.)