32614. The conservancy may do all of the following:
(a) Sue and be sued.
(b) Enter into contracts with any public agency, private entity, or person necessary for the proper discharge of the conservancy’s duties, and enter into a joint powers agreement with a public agency, in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Section 32602.
(c) Lease, rent, sell, exchange, or otherwise transfer any real property or interest therein or any option acquired under this division to a local public agency, state agency, federal agency, nonprofit organization, individual, or other entity pursuant to terms and conditions approved by the conservancy pursuant to terms and conditions approved by the conservancy for management purposes, in accordance with the purposes set forth in Section 32602. Prior to entering into an agreement to lease, rent, sell, exchange, or otherwise transfer any real property or interest therein or any option acquired under this division within the territory of the conservancy, the conservancy shall provide 30 days written notice to the legislative body of the affected local agency, if the project was not included in the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Parkway and Open Space Plan.
(d) Initiate, negotiate, and participate in an agreement for the management of land under its ownership or control by a local public agency, state agency, federal agency, nonprofit organization, individual, or other entity, and initiate, negotiate, and participate in an agreement for the management of land under the ownership or control of any of those entities by the conservancy, in accordance with the purposes set forth in Section 32602.
(e) Enter into any other agreement with any public agency, private entity, or person necessary for the proper discharge of the conservancy’s duties for the purposes set forth in Section 32602.
(f) Recruit and coordinate volunteers and experts to conduct interpretive and recreational programs and assist with construction projects and the maintenance of parkway facilities.
(g) Undertake, within the territory, site improvement projects, regulate public access, and revegetate and otherwise rehabilitate degraded areas, in consultation with any other public agency with appropriate jurisdiction and expertise, in accordance with the purposes set forth in Section 32602. The conservancy may also, within the territory, upgrade deteriorating facilities and construct new facilities as needed for outdoor recreation, nature appreciation and interpretation, and natural resources projection. The conservancy may undertake those projects by itself or in conjunction with another local agency; however, the conservancy shall provide overall coordination of those projects by setting priorities for the projects and by ensuring a uniform approach to projects. The conservancy may undertake those projects with prior notification to the legislative body of the local agency that has jurisdiction in the area in which the conservancy proposes to undertake that activity.
(Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 789, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2000.)