California Code
ARTICLE 3 - Retirement Board
Section 31520.2.

31520.2. (a)  In any county in which the assets of the retirement system exceed eight hundred million dollars ($800,000,000), the board of supervisors may, by resolution, establish a board of investments. The board shall consist of nine members, one of whom shall be the county treasurer. The second and third members shall be general members of the association elected by the general membership of the association for a three-year term. The fourth member shall be a safety member elected by the safety membership of the association for a three-year term. The eighth member shall be a retired member of the association elected by the retired membership of the association for a three-year term. The fifth, sixth, seventh, and ninth members shall be qualified electors of the county who are not connected with county government in any capacity, and shall be appointed by the board of supervisors. They shall also have had significant experience in institutional investing, either as investment officer of a bank, or trust company; or as investment officer of an insurance company, or in an active, or advisory, capacity as to investments of institutional or endowment funds. The first person chosen as a fifth, sixth, or seventh member shall serve for a three-year term, the second person chosen shall serve a four-year term, and the third person chosen shall serve a two-year term. The first person appointed as the ninth member shall serve a one-year term. Thereafter, all terms of all appointed members shall be three years.

(b) The board of investments shall be responsible for all investments of the retirement system.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 124, Sec. 2. (SB 203) Effective January 1, 2012.)