California Code
CHAPTER 4 - San Francisco Bay Area Bridges
Section 30911.

30911. (a) The authority shall control and maintain the Bay Area Toll Account and other subaccounts it deems necessary and appropriate to document toll revenue and operating expenditures in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

(b) (1) After providing for expenditures pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 30912 and for operating assistance pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 30914 and subdivision (c) of Section 30914.7 and after the requirements of any bond resolution or indenture of the authority for any outstanding revenue bonds have been met, the authority shall transfer on a regularly scheduled basis as set forth in the authority’s annual budget resolution, the revenues defined in subdivision (b) of Section 30913 and Sections 30914 and 30914.7 to the commission. The funds transferred to the commission shall be expended for the purposes specified in subdivision (b) of Section 30913 and Sections 30914 and 30914.7. After the commission makes a determination that the projects and programs funded by the commission have been completed, the revenues transferred to the commission shall be expended by the commission for supplemental funding for the projects and programs identified in subdivision (a) of Section 30914.7 if the voters approve a toll increase authorized pursuant to Section 30923.

(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), the revenues defined in subdivision (b) of Section 30913 and subdivision (a) of Section 30914 include all revenues accruing since January 1, 1989.

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 92, Sec. 206. (SB 1289) Effective January 1, 2019.)