California Code
ARTICLE 10.2.1 - Mercury-Added Thermostats, Relays, Switches, and Measuring Devices
Section 25214.8.5.

25214.8.5. (a) A product containing a mercury switch or a mercury relay is exempt from subdivision (a) of Section 25214.8.4, if the manufacturer of the product, or a trade group representing the manufacture, has obtained an exemption, pursuant to the process described in subdivision (b), for the product. An exemption granted under subdivision (b) may apply to all or only to limited uses of the product. An exemption granted under subdivision (b) also applies to the sale to the product manufacturer of the mercury switch or relay to be contained in the product covered by the exemption.

(b) The department shall grant, or renew, an exemption from subdivision (a) of Section 25214.8.4 for a period of three years only if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The manufacturer of the product, or a trade group representing the manufacturer, submits a request for an initial or renewed exemption to the department that specifies the use or uses of the product for which an exemption is requested along with supporting information that complies with the requirements set forth in subdivision (c). A manufacturer or trade group may submit a request only for a product and use for which there is no technical feasible alternative, available at a reasonable cost, to the use of the mercury switch or mercury relay in the product for purposes of that use.

(2) The supporting information submitted by the manufacturer or trade group demonstrates that the product is eligible for the exemption.

(3) The manufacturer or trade group requesting the exemption enters into a cost reimbursement agreement with the department, pursuant to subdivision (d), and complies with the terms of that agreement.

(c) The supporting information that a manufacturer or trade group submits to the department, before the department may grant an exemption pursuant to subdivision (b), shall include all of the following:

(1) The name of the manufacturer, or the trade group and the manufacturers represented by the trade group, requesting the exemption and the name, position, and contact information for the person who is the manufacturer’s or trade group’s contact person on all matters concerning the exemption.

(2) An identification and description of the product, and the use or uses of the product, for which the exemption is requested.

(3) An identification and description of the mercury switch or mercury relay, including identification of the manufacturer of the switch or relay, and an explanation of the need for, and functioning of, the mercury switch or mercury relay in the product.

(4) For each use for which an exemption is requested, information that fully and clearly demonstrates that there is no technically feasible alternative, available at a reasonable cost, to the use of the mercury switch or mercury relay in the product for purposes of that use. This shall include, but is not limited to, a description of past, current, and planned future efforts to seek or develop those alternatives, and a description of all alternatives that have been considered and an explanation of the technical or economic reasons as to why each alternative is not satisfactory.

(5) Information that fully and clearly demonstrates that the switch or relay or the product is constructed so as to prevent the release of mercury to the environment.

(6) A feasible, effective, detailed and complete plan for the proper collection, transportation, and management of the product at the end of its useful life, including removal and proper management of the mercury switch or mercury relay contained in the product, and information fully and clearly demonstrating that the manufacturer, individually, or in conjunction with an industry or trade group, is committed to and capable of implementing the plan. The plan shall include an education and outreach component to ensure that users of the product are aware of available collection opportunities and legal requirements for management of the product once it becomes a waste. An exemption granted pursuant to subdivision (b) shall become null and void if the manufacturer, individually, or in conjunction with an industry or trade group, has not implemented the plan submitted in support of the exemption request within six months of the effective date of the exemption.

(7) A copy of all similar exemption requests, including supporting documentation, submitted by the applicant to another state, and a copy of that state’s response to the exemption request.

(d) A manufacturer or trade group that requests an exemption, or an exemption renewal, pursuant to subdivision (b) shall enter into a written agreement with the department pursuant to the procedures set forth in Article 9.2 (commencing with Section 25206.1), for reimbursement of all costs incurred by the department in processing and responding to the request.

(e) Trade secrets, as defined in Section 25173, that are identified at the time of submission by a manufacturer or trade group, shall be treated as confidential as required by department procedures established pursuant to Section 25173. Any information that is not a trade secret, as defined in Section 25173, or that has not been identified by the manufacturer as a trade secret, shall be made available to the public upon request pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Division 10 (commencing with Section 7920.000) of Title 1 of the Government Code).

(f) (1) The department shall grant or deny an exemption requested pursuant to subdivision (b) no later than 180 calendar days after receiving the exemption request and all information determined by the department to be necessary to determine if all of the conditions specified in subdivision (b) are met.

(2) An exemption shall not be deemed to be granted if the department fails to grant or deny the exemption request within the time limit specified in paragraph (1)

(3) Nothing in this subdivision shall preclude the applicant and the department from mutually agreeing to an extension of the time limit specified in paragraph (1).

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 615, Sec. 248. (AB 474) Effective January 1, 2022. Operative January 1, 2023, pursuant to Sec. 463 of Stats. 2021, Ch. 615.)